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Advice Request
Vikash Mor
Vikash Mor

Vikash Mor

Seo Analyst

Digital Group of Companies


Vikash Mor is a member of:

The Decisions That Matter
When i passed my engineering and i came into Online Marketing.
Role Model:
Marc Zukerberg is my model because he invented a connecting people website and everyone is fond off the website.
Degrees That Matter:
I have done degree in Computer Science which is most important for this career.
Job Profile:
I am SEO and Online Marketing and I am playing as Research Analyst here.
Other Thoughts:
Online Marketing is not easy task, you have to do lot research for this and understand the things around you.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
It comes to slowly but it comes to everyone after having experience.
Working Life Management:
It is very hard to maintain. I study after office hour about the projects and new technologies in Online Marketing World.
Required Reading:
I am inventing my own website for Online Marketer and It will resolve lot off issues for clients as well as SEO Persons.
Growth Strategy:
I am going to become leader very soon, let me know later.
Done Differently:
I will go with the similar field as like business analyst or R&D etc.
Plans For The Future:
I would like to see my self as Business Man
The Journey So Far:
I have changed only 3 company since September 2008.
Career Profile:
I am over all responsible all the project execution
Advice For New Professionals:
I would like to say one thing, do things with smart and with dedication.
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