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Advice Request
Vinod Arjun Sardar
Vinod Arjun Sardar

Vinod Arjun Sardar

Senior Software Developer

Nomura Services India Pvt Ltd


Vinod Arjun Sardar is a member of:

- Expert
Being different
I think as an engineer we should not think we are out of the world but should think that we are part of the society.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
I think we have started making products now, yes we were lacking but with the diff thinking our few Indian companies has started building good products.
Company and job profile
I am Vinod Sardar. I have done my B.E.(CSE) Engineering degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering college, Aurangabad. I work as senior developer in NOMURA services India private. Ltd. Nomura is based in Japan and it is the Asia’s largest investment bank.
I have almost 7 yrs of experience and I worked mostly on Microsoft cutting edge technologies like C#,.NET,WPF,WCF,ASP.NET etc. I have also worked on VSTO/Word & excel add-in development.
My achievement
I like to celebrate the small achievements/victories. :). I was a 3rd university rank holder in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada university in the year 2006.
Still to achieve more and putting efforts to achieve ...
Challenges faced in job
Every day I learn new thing in my day to day job, be it people mind set/work attitude or some new thing in technology .surely understanding this will help me in log run.
My strongest Skill
I have good interpersonal skill, good communication skill, I am flexible (can switch tasks based on priority)I can easily adapt to situations. And yes technically I am good in Microsoft related technologies.
Goals and Ambitions
I would like to become a technical architect.
My advice
Positively, once you enter in the IT field, you will learn more things and you will enjoy. there will be time when you will want to do something else but please stick to IT and fight.
Always try to learn new updated technology, as many application/product tries to use the updated technology to satisfy customers.
Family Background
I am married. My wife Pranali is very loving and caring person. I have a little naughty son and his name is Aryan.
I am from middle class family. My dad was a tile fitting contractor in the Aurangabad. He used to get smaller contract and used to invest in our education. He is illiterate but wanted me and my sister to get good education. I know how he had managed my engineering fess :(. With my dad's wish, god's grace and our efforts me and my sister has a degrees. I got B.E (CSE) degree from Dr. Babasaheb Amebdkar Marathwada university. I was a 3rd University rank in Computer Science and Engineering stream in the year 2006.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Work in the office and play role of husband and father at home. try to avoid and take work to home and spend whatever possible time with the family.
Books recommended
Would like to recommend the technical book which gives hands on experience is that till you don't try stuff yourself you will not understand and remember it.
Making job easier
I work in IT division of the Investment bank, so one should know the technology as well as the business. Once you know both then you can easily understand the business problem and can solve this business problem by applying the technology(IT).
For Working within a team, I build and maintain good relation with colleagues so that people will help you whenever you need help.
One more principle I follow while working is - give respect and take respect. only when you will respect value of your colleagues your will get respect from others.
Current Trends
Now most of the focus will be on HTML 5 development for web apps and that will surely be hot in coming years.
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