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Advice Request
Vijayakumar T Pillai
Vijayakumar T Pillai

Vijayakumar T Pillai




Vijayakumar T Pillai is a member of:

Degrees That Matter:
Yes, degree and i am having mcom
Changes In The Professional Environment:
While joining the industry my role was junior executive and insurance industry was a monopoly market under public sector. Now industry changed from monopoly market to open market likewise our role changed to middle management. Myself was trying my level best to achieve the targeted goals and overcome the same and compete all other competitors in all respects.
Contribution to the field
In all aspects myself was no.1 in my analysis and done good to my employer,colleagues,
Customers and team members.
Role Model:
Our shri. Abdul kalam sir is my r0le model due to his comitment, simplicity, motivating
The team members and continue the achieved goals still now in space sector and in the
Society as a whole.
Done Differently:
I will make miracles because the experiences/trainings i have achieved from a public
Sector general insurance sector is incomparable and the efforts now i am taking to achieve and exceed the targeted goals is like a one man mission because there is support lacking from every corners, if the surroundings are favorable the delivery from me must be amazing.
Required Reading:
Discovery of India, my experiments with truth, wings of fire are the books enlighten me and all the motivating websites like linkedin,, siliconindia network and social
Networking sites facebook, twitter etc., and publications of readers digest, today and dc books etc. Are very interesting.
Growth Strategy:
Taking oath every day, analyse the failures and correcting the same and advice my team leaders to start likewise and acquire more and more knowledge, test and implement and enjoy the outcome success and share the same with our colleagues, team and society and
Always keep and brush up relationship for further growth and development in all respects
Family Background
My family is a happy family. My father aged 85 and mother aged 76 and spouse working in health dept and daughter studying pharmd and son studying llb and living together happily together overcoming all family conflicts.
Plans For The Future:
I will be in the Everest of fulfillment of my visions and achievement of all my goals and targets.
Job Profile:
In charge of administration and development(marketing)of a branch
Working Life Management:
Simple work is life and life is for doing maximum to those who trust us and through that service our employer,colleagues,team,family and society.
The Journey So Far:
I have achieved the targeted goals, keep herd and company discipline in the office and
Succeeded in implementing an enlighten customer group/base and positively motivated
Working group in office and in marketing field.
Career Profile:
I am responsible for keeping all the standards fixed for everything to keep the administrative goals as per company norms and also i have to complete the target allotted to my office by reallocating the same to our marketing team and helping them
To achieve the targets and enrich all the verticals to attain the targeted goals.
Advice For New Professionals:
Take the things simply, act with forethought and think twice before implementing the
Decision, act before thinking and hasty decisions are not favorable. If implement
Anything try to execute with support of all and never withdraw and avoid such situations.
Other Thoughts:
Always positive, understanding others feelings and helping others keeping in view of our role in the society.
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