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Advice Request
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru
Venkataramanaiah Chekuru

Venkataramanaiah Chekuru


CVR Synergy Management


Venkataramanaiah Chekuru is a member of:

My Company
a).CVR SYNERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES-a proprietory concern started in 2006. Offerings:Consulting in- Marketing and Sales Management, Business Planning, Management Systems, Human Resource Management and Organisation Development, Project Finance, Consultancy to start ups, Total Enterprise Consultancy, Consultancy in turning around, Recruitment and Technical Consulting.

b).MATERIALIST SPIRITUALIST MISSION TRUST,started in 2003 for the purpose of knowledge creation and dessimination and other activities as per objectives of the trust. Activities:1.up-dating the website and Blog from time to time as per requirement.2.Posting articles/messages/speech materials etc. by studying past&present-national and global scenario in areas such as-governance,management,economics,
business,philosophy,spirituality,ethics,social systems,politics,education tune with the objectives of the Trust.Presently I am the only contributing member.How ever current articles are studied and commented upon and posted in the Blog and various social networks such as Facebook,Twitter,LinkedIn,G+ and other networks as given in the site.

My way to connecting the right dots
SYNERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES:When we give consulting or mentoring,we first study the status of the company in various angles and give advise or solutions as needed by the company at that time keeping future in mind -drawn from  30+ years of my senior managerial  experience in management,mentoring,entrepreneurship and industry promotion accumulated by serving public and private sector companies.Source-my experience in-developing electronic industry in AP,MIC Electronics Ltd,Chadalavada Infratech Ltd and others.When I took the assignments,first I explained/made them define the purpose the organisation and the systems& roles key personnel, ethics and difficulties involved to steering to achieve the goals.My commitment is always long term(minimum 5 years),be it PSUs or private sector.As I am watchful,always advise on current systems,business scenerios,corrective actions needed-in a committed way and do it as per what they permit?Normally I select an entrepreneur who really needs my services and that my services will be useful to them on a long term basis.I never demanded remuneration/fee and took what they gave and retain my independence legally.
Way to choose team members
At lower level we used technical exams and aptitude tests or observed attitude during interviews and scores were given and selected based on merit score.By and large we follow this where ever we give service.At senior and middle level-we study track record and psychological parameters such as leadership qualities,attitude,ability to take load,loyalty and personality traits(even during interviewing).We scan the business circles or spot people whom we meet in the related areas or some times through advertisements.We make a marriage between job need and candidate profile/abilities.Once on the job,they will be observed,given challenging tasks,watched for effectiveness in using delegated powers with accountability,watched for business acumen and how they make the company legally safe.Inspire them by bringing inside and out side case studies during discussions and give a purpose to their job/time and to the company.One can not inspire dullers and such people are stopped at the selection level itself.
Way to start from scratch again
Yes we will do differently.We will study the industry scenario and advise them in the risks involved in business development involving commissions etc. as it will destroy what ever they have built through so much hard work?We will advise them short cuts in business will destroy company good will and their long term interests.Ethics&trasparency will be encouraged as one of the primary business policies?Less importance to family members and friends and organisation will be run primarily on merit basis.Talent will spotted in a better way and better organisational methods/personal care will be introduced to retain talent.Better business systems/methods will be introduced with commitment from top management.
Entrepreneurial/leadership insights
Unfortunately there were not many inspiring leaders under whom I worked that I can learn much from them?I have worked on self motivation ,be it in PSUs or private sector.I was more or less the main inspirer in both sectors in my career without expecting big rewards and worked many times even in situations of punishment to prove my point or truth?

How ever my experience taught me what is meaning,why we have to work,why others have to work,how to motivate people to work with less rewards-you have to give purpose to people to make them commit in various situations.To me working is a means to self expression coming from deep inside.So I do not do what ever entrepreneurs want me to do/any type of work?When the leader finds meaning he/she can sell the same to the organisation/team and inspire them for commitment.This happens even in family situations.The leader should have a clear saleable vision,action plan,monitoring mechanism,objectivity,transparency in dealings and reward systems to succed.

With regard to MATERIALIST SPIRITUALIST MISSION TRUST-not many want to associate owing the nature of work/perhaps difficulties involved.I get inspiration from self expression and search for truth and for finding meaning.Luckily many people are writing on various areas and it is available on the net and I took it as a means of discussion and I posted them with my comments as a discussion subject attracting many intellectuals around the globe.This I did not expect when I started my activities.

Advice for fellow entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurship is a full time job-24/7 type.For those who were given seat from heriditory sources,it could be a chance for improvement or doing someting new or just pass time?In case of start-ups unless meaning comes from inside it is difficult to make it a success.Many times entrepreneurs are in situations of-where there is a will there is way?Without proper resource planning it is a risky affair?So one should be at least clear hazily on what one has and what one can procure?Unless the entrepreneur is capable and committed,investors-be it VCs,private equity,institutions- will not join such companies?And for start-ups it is a must
My key thoughts
For VCs/entrepreneurs-study of business scenario is a must before investing.For example-business culture.Institutions invested in a number of companies based what business culture existed/permitted/encouraged in a subtle way?But the business culture has changed suddenly i.e. more transparency is demanded in public resulting in many failed companies.examples-Satyam,2G,CWG,Coalgate,Kingfisher,Airindia/Indian Airlines and many more.Resulting in heavy risks for investors.The business culture perhaps is one of the main reasons for their failure.
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