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Advice Request
Venkataraaman Sundaresan
Venkataraaman Sundaresan

Venkataraaman Sundaresan

Corporate Internal Auditor and Investigator


My achievements
I always do my jobs with involvement and passion. I mostly worked in Indian comapnies without much of IT flavours where the IT was a customized function without visibility on the real life information technologies. I worked with electrical, electronics, auto ancillary, logisitics and information technology organizations. My career progression was not the same in every move of my career ladder, but I was able to perform well in every job role.I did my management degree, information system audit audit diploma and forensic certification during my employment in the last 10 years. I beleive that determnation and preseverance were my traints to attain my goals.I was always ready to learn and accustomed to the environment. That is the reason I am able to land on the IT major from Indian corporate environment. Also I was a quick learner on the IT environment to work with younger genearation and run with their speed and precision.
More about myself
The present life open up everyy moment a new windows with various opportuntiies across the world and everyone is travelign across countries for employments, migration, business delierables and learn a lot from other cultures. The potential for learning and growth is phenominal for every individual. Everyone must realize this and work towards achieving your milestones. Everyone must remember that every success is a jouney to go to the next station and not a destination to stop. I would like to suggest that we need to take the good traints from everyone from every walk of life and try to practice the same. Our country is rich in every aspect but we need to incalculate the belonginingness for our country and care for fellow citizen which can be achieved only out of change in our attitudes and behaviours.
My strongest skill
Management of Sales Distribution Network through Business Partners. Prioritized resolutions to Customer complaints. Maintenance of organizational brand image with the customers in terms of business ethics, reliability, integrity and deliverables. Implementing Credit Policies with the Customers and Vendors and performance of an arbitrator role during disputes. Delivering feasible solution to customers’ requirements for their logistic operations. Educating new employees on the policies and procedures to follow the dos and don’ts during the tenure with the organization. Process Improvement projects for multiple customer accounts. Identifying, developing and testing internal control policies and procedures within business process and information Technology environments.
Core Strengths:•Strategy formation. Data analysis / interpretation •Due diligence • Business analytics and critical risk evaluation - Safe guarding sensitive personal and business information •Mentor and a self starter
My role model
My wife: whose advise/guidance helped me to refine myself a lot to face challenges of life. I always look at people who are very near to me and successful in life. My two elder brothers one who became very successful entreprenuer and the other academically very successful to reach highest corproate position. Though I follow the other people from public life who were successful in their own fields my brothers inspired me a lot as they acheved succes through hard work and determination. Now my daughter and son (who are adults) who also provides me valuable suggestions and feed backs to me on my day day to life which helps me to keep my emotions under control.
Initiative to develop a country
Every professional should follow thier heart with highest integrity with trsut and personal responsaibility in every activity they participate. Every individual in thier own chosen profession needs to bring in the excellence to make our country stand high towards global audience. Do what you say and say what you can do. Always follow the exceptional guiding pricniples to articulate your expertise and speciality. Find ways to improve the quality of living conditions in India. Teach value syatem to each and everyone to keep our self esteem high. Do not show bad image of our own people to outside world and tarnish your own image. Teach our next generation the value system and bonding to take care of our parents and parents-in law when they become old. Last but not the least, use all your skills and expertise to develop our own country instead selling it to others.
Degree that I recommend
Yes. I would like to go for business related law degree (MBL), cyber law certification, fraud investigations specialist (CFS). I would also recommed to do research on organization governance, development and management.
Brief description about me
I am Venkat a mathematics graduate with management degree in marketing, post graduate diploma in information system audit and certified forensci accounting professional from India forensic. I have 26 years of experience in various facets of an enterprise including accounts, finance, sales, marketing, business audit, commercial, logisitics and consulting, business controls, internal audit and corporate investigations. I worked in manufacturing companies and my current employment is with IBM a Global IT company.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
(S)he needs to be more matured to handle any situation irrespective of its nature. Must have exceptional personal traits inclding submissive in nature, great listner, accomodative, good understanding, hgihest order of integrity, respecting value syatmes in personal and professional life, caring and loving own family and fellow team members. Should be transparent with reasonable justifications for taking decisions. Mentoring from past experience and teach qualitative value additions. Permit everyone with sufficient space and freedom to learn themselves. Stand at the front to lead and motivate every follower. One caustion not to be AUTOCRATIC, because your are a leader.
Ensuring success
I aways look at availble opportunity to educate myself academically to learn new things and connect with new people. Explore new avenues to enhance my skills to prove worth of what I am. Findng new environments to look at various options to fulfill my dreams and attain a remarkable position with happiness.
Important lesson learned
Yes...we need to be focused, planned and keep your short term and long term goals clearly drawn to reach your ultimate destination. Not to get deviated/influenced from others and put your heart and soul to realize what would be your core strength which would drive you passionaltely through your selected career path. Do everthing in time and not to regret later...
My family background
My spouse is a qulaified posat graduate with degree in education and a passionate school teacher. I have two children, elder daughter is doing her management degree in finance and son a school student. They have their own desire of selecting their career aspirations. They are more patriotic and want to bring changes to our country.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
We follow reservation system post independence, but it has not attained the objective of its intent. In todays scenario, the education system is more coomercialized and degree and certifiations are purchased through influence and money. We need to recognize only the merit based selections and not otherwise. But without requried knowledge and skills if a person is elevated it will not be a good sign for the nation which will oneday fall from reality. Education system should not be theoratical learning, it needs application of mind in real life. In today's world if you hadhold a student till he gets a degree, he will lack confidence and will not learn what is he going to do. Make education highly merti based and provide economic support to weaker sections of the society. Please do not compromise and ignore the quality of a student's skill and knowledge by not giving him the right seat in the right college.
Important decision
1. Joined management degree (MBA) in 2002 and finsished the course in single attempt during employment.
2.Accepted the job opportunity in IBM irespective of the position and compensation offered.
Couple of years from now
I would like to be on Advisory role in Governance and Management consulting including for corporates, social groups and if given an opportunity to the Government bodies.
Influenced by
Any successful entreprnuer who made it from the scratch and reached the top through untiring hard work...of course I beleive that every success also carries some amount of luck with right timing and favourable positions of horoscopic stars of the individual.
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