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Advice Request
Vaibhav Agrawal
Vaibhav Agrawal

Vaibhav Agrawal




Vaibhav Agrawal is a member of:

Family Background
I belongs to a middleclass family . my father was a businessman(now his business has been shut) and my mother is a housewife
Contribution to the field
1.Best in the business
2.Customer satisfaction

As a marketing guy i think customer satisfaction is everything foe me and my present company help me to do it.
Future prospect
As a IMF cheif !!!
Importance of On line marketing
Online marketing is needed and important for two reasons
1. Customer awareness for your product
2. for customer fasciliation as there is big competition

Sometimes it shows our backlogs.
What suggestions would you like to give to the aspirants who want to make their career in Marketing only?
Smart working is greater than hard working.
As per Kohler-Keller Selling is hunting while marketing is gardening.
Branding is must. it helps to market . it helps to sell your product
Importance of 4ps
1.product 3. promotion 4.price

it is important for target customer
Role in an organization
1. revenue generation
2. exceeds our sales
3. clients greivances solution
4. customer satisfaction
Importance of sales
Sales is important for an organisation since it gives the revenue justify our salaries as well but it is not imporatnt more than marketing.
Brief yourself
I am vaibhav agrawal. I passed out MBA in 2008 I am working in SMC GLOBAL SECURTIES LTD. as branch manager. Smc is a share broking firm . And my profile to manage the portfolios of the client and mainly make the revenue grows through my strategies.befor SMC i also worked in STerlite technologies ltd
Importance of STP
Segmentation is important to target our customers, to know the need our customers, to know the other competitors.
Targeting is important to know who are our customers? what they need? how they serve??
postioning is important so that we can tell the customers that yest it is the product you needs!!
Marketing helps the organisation- know the customres' need
2. helps to change our produt accordingly
3. postiong of our product in customers' mind
Go with them in the market observe the problems they are facing and solve it.
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