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Advice Request
Tina Saxena
Tina Saxena

Tina Saxena



Tina Saxena is a member of:

Family Background
Stay with parent, 2 sis, one is employed and other is studying.
Contribution to the field
comfortable timings, professional and understand the need.
Turning point:
nothing as such
Success through professionalism:
always stay cool and confident in any situation, i believe that every problem has a solution.
Doing differently:
will search for better option to do things differently.
Attributes of Leadership:
know your team well, coath them regularly, delegation to know thier capabilities, it resolves all issues.
Maintaining Balance:
one should know that career and personal life both are important and balance it as per the challanges
creating differences:
Anyone can make changes in the org, i find women very strong and sincere in the work and give result fast. they can easily convince internal/external people customer for areas to be improved..
Effective words:
be yourself and strong/firm in any situation..
Scaling up the ladder:
time to time initiative and experience...
Current job Description:
work is different as per the industry, earlier i was working for bank, it's now a MNC
stay yourself and confident, focus on quality and growth..
After few years:
CEO of the org..
Achieving Success:
depends on the capabilities and daring to stand among men as the prove what we can do different..
Essential qualities:
all qualities that are required to do job successfully..
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