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Thirumal Rao
Thirumal Rao

Thirumal Rao

QA Automation Engg at TCS

Tata Consultancy Services


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Challenges faced in job
The rate of growth of technology in the last few years is so fast, even the best are left half way gaping for breath. This unique attribute makes the technology sector coveted for the best brains in the world. Staying relevant in this industry is the most challenging aspect of the job which also makes it more interesting. Accepting this fact and building myself to adapt to the ever changing environment is what I think will gear me for the future.
Family Background
I come from an urban educated middle class family in Bangalore.
My role model
I have many role models who inspire me in my life. One such role model relevant to this context would be Ratan Tata. He inspires me as a social-faceted entrepreneur with a bold vision and amazing leadership qualities. Tremendous growth of Tata Industries under his watch from 1991 until his retirement last year(2012) is a testament to his leadership. I do not know of any other corporate house who even makes comparable, let alone matching,contributions in philanthropy as Tatas.
Goals and Ambitions
My goal is to stay relevant in terms of technology and ensure I am learning everyday at work. I believe if a person has the zeal to learn and adapt, work becomes fun. As in any fun related activity, goal will not be focused on achieving the end, but to enjoy the means.
My advice
I believe there are no standard rules for a successful career. However, if someone is starting his first job, I would like to remind him/her the importance of learning, upholding professional ethics, commitment in his/her everyday delivery. It is important to build a reputation of being reliable person who is capable of keeping his promise.
My achievement
I have been fortunate to work for a client which is the 'most valuable company' in the world, and have been part of some very critical projects that became successful. This is more of a privilege than an achievement. I am part of Breakthrough Science Society, through which I've gained significant insight on some prevailing issues in society that is impeding India from achieving prosperity. The very notion of being associated with such an organisation makes me feel proud and I consider it as a valuable achievement in my life so far. The best is yet to come.
Company and job profile
I am a QA Automation engineer at Tata Consultancy Services(TCS). I am responsible for the functional automation of web apps for one of the high-profile clients of my company.
TCS is a leader in the global marketplace and among the top 10 technology firms in the world. With over 40 years of experience in the field, the company is well positioned to offer its mature and unique engagement and delivery models to the customers.
My major responsibility in the current role involves design and development of automation framework customized to the needs of the application. Along with this, I get involved in consulting and recommendations for QA engagement model for the customer. In addition to automation, I've also worked as a performance test engineer, functional QA co-ordinator responsible for overall delivery of QA team in an onsite-offshore model, functional tester.
Current Trends
The colloquial use of 'internet' or 'computer' in India has changed drastically over the last decade. There are myriad ways of rendering content over web. On the one hand, there seems to be a convergence of devices like laptops, tablets, phones to serve multiple purposes. On the other hand, technology is manifesting in hitherto -unimaginable ways and means. Take Google glass or driver-less/auto-driven car for example.
Each and every product needs testing. If the scope of a product increases by X factor, testing scope increases by 2^X factor. In the short term, I believe mobile devices will continue to play even more vital role in one's life. I will bet on mobile device testing hitting big in the next 2 - 3 yrs.
Managing professional as well as personal life
It is a million dollar question, and a million dollar business. I think publishers have made more money on books in this topic than any scholarly subject :-)
I try to compartmentalize personal life from professional life by trying not to bring work home. It is not always easy or possible, I often try to manage or at least manage to try.
Making job easier
Nothing helps me make my job easier, and I would not want my job easier either. I would rather strive to make my job interesting and challenging.
Books recommended
An Introduction to General Systems Thinking by Gerald Weinberg may be an interesting book for people in QA.
Testing is probably the most underrated phase of Software Development LifeCycle. I do see some paradigm shift in the recent times, but there is a long way to go.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
It has more to do with lack of entrepreneurial skills than talent. Schools and colleges still thrive on learn-by-rote way of evaluation. It douses the flame of creativity in young students. Silicon valley in US has a thick concentration of Indians who have created many tech products, which is a testimony of the potential we have. Education system has to be revamped and colleges should become a microcosm of young and bright visionaries with radical ideas that challenges the status quo.
My important career decision
I was a functional tester, then took up performance testing, now working as an automation engineer. I've made the move whenever I felt my learning curve was reaching stagnation. I think each of these steps were important decisions in my career.
Being different
As an engineer, analytical and logical reasoning becomes a central part of your mental faculty. This will change the way you perceive anything and everything in life - be it writing a program, understanding a concept, reading a novel, watching a movie, etc., Engineers do not usually like abstractions without boundaries.
My strongest Skill
Open mind to learn, adaptability, commitment, passion for quality are some of my professional attributes.
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