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Advice Request
Thejendra Bs
Thejendra Bs

Thejendra Bs

IT Manager


Blogs (2)

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Initiative to develop a country
India should never become a developed country on the lines of the western countries, which have no culture, family values, public decency, morality, etc. We are an advanced civilization and should remain one forever. We should look towards the "developed" countries only for their technology that we are unable or unwilling to manufacture here. But many people think if we imbibe all the things that people in western countries do then India will also become a developed country. We should avoid this temptation.
My family background
I was born and brought up in Bangalore as my family has been here for generations. I am currently married and have two kids.
Important lesson learned
A few important lessons I can share are,

1. Always save for a rainy day. Become a minimalist. Spend money only for the must haves, and not for nice to have things. If you are from a middle class family never increase your standard of living by trying to imitate the rich people around you.
2. Don't become a workaholic. Work to live and don't live to work. Have a hobby that can detach you from work related stresses.
3. Learn to lead and inspire with real subject knowledge. You must be able to roll up your sleeves and show your team workers how to do some task, and not hide behind modern hot air stuff like people management, jazzy presentation skills, business jargon, impeccable dressing, etc.
4. Avoid the "whom shall I impress today attitude"
My achievements
My published books are my achievements. I am an author and I have currently published about 16 books on a range of subjects as listed on my personal website -
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
1. Good subject knowledge in their field
2. Patience and moderation
3. Continuous learning and willingness to share knowledge
4. Willingness to let go and quit while you are ahead.
Brief description about me
I am an IT manager for a software development firm in Bangalore, India. Starting as a computer field executive after my electronics engineering in the previous century I have about a 1000+ weeks of experience in a range of IT management and technology implementations costing several bags of gold. I have also worked in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Bahrain, Qatar and Australia, and have interacted with countless flavors of customers and organizations of all sizes. Prior to entering the turbulent IT waters I was an electronics lecturer for a short duration in 1989.
Couple of years from now
Hopefully get some more books published and maybe get into teaching.
Influenced by
Practically everyone, but I don't have any specific role model. I look at everyone as a student who can be taught something, or as a patient who should be treated for something, or as a teacher from whom I can learn something.
Ensuring success
Reading books is my primary method of growing and developing. Second is learning from everyone.
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