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Sushant Kumar
Sushant Kumar

Sushant Kumar

Social Media Analyst at Drizzlin Media, Fellow in marketing at IIM Lucknow

Drizzlin Media

Couple of years from now
I see myself alive and having fun.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
A successful leader needs to have two important things. First is the ability to see diverse perspective that comes from listening and second is emotional intelligence. Both of these are important in creating a vision and motivating people around you to pursue a common goal.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education system in India is being driven primarily by one worrying thing - Its ability to give jobs. The worrying aspect is that the role of education traditionally has been to educate. Scholars set up these institutions in order to contemplate and think. Now they are mere processes that give incentives on compliance with the norm. The more you comply, the easier it becomes. While it is perfectly OK as it helps young people settle in, the unsettling part is that a perfectly young mind capable of creating an entirely new wonderful thing gives in to this entire notion of settling in. The nation suffers as result.
My role model
A role model for me would be a person who has followed his heart. It can be anyone. Unfortunately the society rewards and acknowledges those who've managed to make money. It is not necessary that all those who followed their heart made national or international headlines. The person who has the guts to follow his heart is fearless and these are the people that inspire me.
My family background
I was born and brought up in Kerala. My ancestral roots lie in Multan, present day Pakistan. I came to Delhi in class VII and completed engineering from GGSIPU.
The seeds of entrepreneurship were sowed in me during the course of becoming an electronics and communication engineer. I have been a part of a start-up.
After adventures with start-ups and a state of joblessness, I decided to pursue a course in management to get a platform for a career in marketing. This is what brings me here. My father being a doctorate has always made the entire family focus on the importance of education. It has helped me. My mother, while being a pillar of immense support to the entire family has focused on the importance of eating food and lots of it.
My achievements
I managed to loose a lot of weight. I am really proud of it.
Influenced by
There are a couple. Steve Jobs and Salman Khan. It is their ability to bounce back that I like.
Degree that I recommend
I have my plate full with degrees. I am only eager to learn.
My strongest skill
Social Media, Digital Marketing, Research.
Important lesson learned
Take risks.
Ensuring success
Take more risks.
Important decision
Quitting my first job and sitting at home. In hindsight, a good one!
Initiative to develop a country
Bet on their gut.
Brief description about me
I am Sushant Kumar, a fellow in marketing at IIM, Lucknow and working as a social media analyst at Drizzlin Media.
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