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Advice Request
Sushant Awasthi
Sushant Awasthi

Sushant Awasthi

Sr. Officer Marketing

Arham Technochem


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Motivating Factor
The only motivating factor in my corporate world is the position of my CEO that always gives me strength to move and get that position in near future.
Future trend
in present scenario Marketing is to handle all the things. As per my concern Trends are just to GO and Get at any cost
Importance of 4ps
People,Price,promotion and most imp Product.
These all 4 Ps are very very imp in marketing as for success u need to Promote a right Product at a reasonable Price through the help of Right people
Selling is to just take and Give and u need not to bother about other issues. But in Marketing u need to bother abt all the issues pre and post selling
Positioning the product
We are in a chemical industry,which needs a lot of technicals and all.To position our product we need to proof our product better in terms of all the chemical properties and also in economic side.
Importance of On line marketing
Due to the global Reach of computer network and all it is very essential to market your product online.That gives a very fast result with a reach of max people at a very low cost.
Importance of STP
Segmentation,Targeting and Positioning(STP) is the utmost imp tool for strartegy making and all.You need to choose the right segment to target and position your product or service.
Suggestions to aspirants
I would like to suggest that Keep on update yourself on various marketing activities,surveys,research and analysis.And also you need to be a very open minded,confident and a tool for all the problem.For a marketing professional you need to be a master of all the areas like a good resercher,a good analyser,a good deplomate, a good commercial knowledge,a Good counseller etc
Achieving Targets
will try to understand the actual market position first,then will try to know the skills of my sales force,if they are in a position to handle it will keep an eye on their working otherwise will train them to handle the things well by some joint marketing activities with them
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