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Advice Request
Suresh K P
Suresh K P

Suresh K P

Company Executive

Books for Change

Education system in India
The education system,if it is in the hands of motivated,honest,good teachers,implemented correctly,in letter and spirit,then everything should be fine
Becoming good marketing professionals
Yes,and why not,sales are marketing themselves, their company and the product to customers,while marketing guys are doing the same to end consumers.It all depends upon education,training,motivation and ability to adopt new practices and adapt to changing roles.
Handling new territory
It takes time to build relationships,understand the local dynamics,relationships,culture,language etc.The time taken,depends upon the individual to individual and how well they are amenable to learning new stuff.Those who like change,like to learn new things,will find it easy and those who don't will find it difficult.
Comparing Online sales with hardcore sales
Hardcore sales is quite easy,but hard physically,online sales is also important,as it gives access to people without formalities of appointments,physical travelling etc
If targetted correctly and people check their emails,then it is a good,cheap(cheapest),eco friendly way of reaching out to the market segment.
Importance of brand image
Brand image is important psychologically, to get the first impression and in some case,entry in new places,markets, seeking appointments etc
Motivating team members
By leading from the front,tackling the most recalcitrant customer,most difficult assignment,commiserating with them on loss of business,putting up a brave front,holding out hope,pointing out the silver lining in the cloud, the light at the end of the tunnel and getting more creative to drive business.
My advice to upcoming professionals
Keep an open mind,try and enjoy the work you are doing,learn to enjoy meeting people,travelling,new places and record mental notes about people,places without prejudice
Effect of sales on an organization
Without sales,no money for the organisation,as simple as that,selling whatever the company produces/makes/provides is the only way the company can pay and keep the rest of their workforce gainfully employed.
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
Quite a few,like being part of a communication campaign in 89-92,to make India Polio free,establishing the institutionalised Bangalore Book Festival etc
My family background
Dad,his Dad,his 2 brothers were in the Forces,I also went to Military school to complete my education,hence family and extended family,circle of friends have a defence background.
Developing a country
India expects each and every professional to do his or her duty in all spheres, personal and public,they set examples for fellow citizens,by obeying the laws of the land,paying the taxes, curbing corrupt tendencies.If all of us collectively do what we are expected to do, india will be a great nation, as simple as that,no miracles, no great words, thought processes, just plain action in following and doing what we are supposed to do,no cutting corners.
Upcoming Trends
Increasing reliance on cybcerspace, makes human touch all the more important.Connectivity,mode of communication makes meetings so much easier.Information highways,make information move faster,things are more transparent,informed, rational choices can be made by consumers/customers.It will mean,more competition,no room for complacency and constant battle to stay ahead in technological innovation.
Essential qualification required
Basic degree,interest and keenness to learn more,that's all
Essential skills
Essential skill is adopting new technologies,skills and adapting to changing environment
Current Job description
Currently I'm heading a small unit of a bigger organisation almost like a P&L centre
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