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Suresh Goswami
Suresh Goswami

Suresh Goswami

Asst. Manager (Sales)

Siyaram Silk Mill Ltd.


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View s for better India
Student from developing countries, in terms of studies & work much serious and goal oriented in compassion to developed countries, but factors like- lack or resources, income, infrastructure of society or nation push back a good percentage of student to fulfill from the dreams. To increase participation of developing countries student- you should provide them- Cheap or free study material or resource's, online talent show's, scholarship's, Job offer(online support), talent hiring practices etc.
About Myself
I am a MBA (Marketing) and approaching experience of around 7 + years. I possess extensive Experience in Marketing (Sales, BD & Retail). This experience provides me insight into the unique logistical, technological and analytical challenges that are faced in the different phases of a project.
Favorite Books and Articles
I had read Shiva's Trilogy- Vayuputra's- This books tell us courage of 1 man,his journey of life, his greatness & values, leadership, & believe- thats show's how a common man with all this following became a god symbol, this teach us a man become great by his core values & working towards mankind.
My uniqueness
Very Pleasing Personalities as my friends, relatives, family & colleagues says, good at relationship management.
Most flourishing college experience
Zero Day - Placement, Placement Team Leader, Well know person in entire college, Leader group activites
Time Management
I Decide my time according to Priority & urgency of my work, my need and consider other time value at other time.
First Job Expectation
1. Profile (KRA & position), 2. Company Culture (Brand & scope), 3. Money(Salary).
Career Expectations
The Approach is more of Practical & precise, its now or will be hardcore goal oriented and more fine. I mean Techno-commercial, Tech- oriented, Less books but case oriented or real life examples.
Family Background
I belong to Jodhpur City "A Heritage & World Tourist Place" (Rajasthan), India. I came from lower Middle class family & My Father is a retd. army personal, Mother Housewife, a younger Sister & A brother& a Life partner
Spare time activities
1. I am Internet savy- online games, reading articles, movies, spent valuble time with wife coz we both working, etc.
Most proud accomplishment
A Few small ones- personally or professionally Still waiting for more and big break-through.
Most influenced factor
My father is in wright way is my mentor, He not spoken me what i should do or how I do, but He gives me full freedom to choose my path and help me mentally or monetary, secondly Most Important lesson I got from him is , Attitude towards work, discipline, Fairness, Hardwork, Deication etc.

Apart from this every single person with some unique approach or quality influence me and motivate me always, I try to learn from them.
Favorite subject
In School & Graduation my strong subject was Chemistry,In Management my strong subject was Marketing but now I almost forgot what i have study apart only remember their core few basic.

So these are no longer my strongest subjects now because I have forgot What i have read in book, My strongest subject is my life, my daily to daily learning- because i never forgot here what I learned & what I had leave.
Challenges facing by students
See today students have lots of scope in terms of selecting carrier path, example - many course's, colleges, study area's, opportunities etc. but apart from this biggest challenge is proper guidance, most of student confuse and depressed in selecting career path, subject, study area's, they lacking career focus- So here they need a Guidance, a mind opening sessions or programmers or information, make comfortable them choosing there career path.
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