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Advice Request
Sneha Dinkar Desai
Sneha Dinkar Desai

Sneha Dinkar Desai

Software Development

Bhugol GIS Pvt Ltd.


Sneha Dinkar Desai is a member of:

Family Background
My family consist of four members my father, mother , sister & me. My father is working in Central Railway Workshop as Technician. My mother is House Maker. My sister is studying in final year of BE.
Contribution to the field
I am working in Bhugol GIS Pvt. Ltd. as a Java Software Developer from last 6 months. My company is located in IIT Bombay. We have to develop the projects which is use to display Geographical Information System. First Geographical Data is Digitized & then this data we have to show on map like google
Advice for upcoming professionals
I will advice to upcoming professionals in Java domain that if you are really passionate to work in java domain then don't see towards how much salary you are getting , you are going through extreme pressure just see that how much you will get to learn in that job and dedicate yourself to learn new.
Work life Management
I always make sure that when i am at work i am only employee of that the company and realize my responsibility for designation which i am working and when i am at home, i see whether i am living life at its fullest and enjoying myself or whether i am lacking somewhere & if yes then what action to do
Changes in professional environment
When i join the company i always feeling that i am alone & no one is helping me but as time has gone i see myself that grown up a lot in terms of knowledge and also in terms of differentiating personal and professional life & i think just because of the such practical work environment that i got.
Your role model
My role model is Steve Jobs because i read his biography in which i seen him that he never stop fighting even when his own Apple company had threw him from his company he did not stop he then started Next company and later that company bought by Apple and again Steve Jobs came to the CEO position.
The Big Question
No. Still i don't consider myself successful because i think i just have started my journey and i think peoples are still not knowing me and to reach to the position where people will respect me , i know i will sacrifice many things in life and will fulfill my dreams and will make my parents proud.
Opportunity to start your Career again
when i completed my college and looking for a job i keep myself very choosy about getting hire paying salary job,MNC job,Designation etc and i wasted 10 months of my life in this.So now if i have to start mycareerAllOverAgain i will not become so much choosy & would live by accepting what comes way.
The Most Important Game
once our client was wanted project early and and my team leader had assign me something challenging task which was very logical and he told me that even i know that you doing this kind of task first time but you will do it and this team leaders faith on me leted me to complete new task in less time.
Effective decision
I think staying in hostel decision in college days have make me what i am today because in that period i learn a lot to stay with different kinds of people, making adjustment, sacrifice etc and i think this experience will help me a lot in my future.
My Road map ahead
I see myself in 5 years from now as a Dynamic Team Player in good MNC company as i have just started my career.
Areas for the Future
I think specialization in J2EE will help in future because now days Android based mobile phones are having more demand in market and in few years people will something new Apps in Android which is also Java based so having specialization in J2EE employee can move to something new technology easily.
Learning’s/ Knowledge gaining
i think to improve knowledge person should have perseverance and curiosity about knowing things and for that person should read a lot and experiment what his mind imagines after reading so i done the same.
Advice for Additional Certifications
Yes i will recommend SCJP certification for Java Beginners because while learning SCJP you will learn very small concepts which you will not find while learning only Java and you will become firm on Java Concepts.
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