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Advice Request
Sidhartha Nigam
Sidhartha Nigam

Sidhartha Nigam

ITES sales

Current Trends
I think the Mobility part will gradually shift towards robotics and more techno human touch . Which we call as Augmented Reality ( More close to liveliness)
Making job easier
My team mates , my colleagues and my boss who help me guide through every hard situation.
Goals and Ambitions
Probably be an Entity in the IT space not as just a guy who does sales or who manages team . But as a consultant who helps companies find there way through the challenging path of IT sector.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
I think primary problem is there is no Income transparency. An engineer is made an engineer not to invent but as to feed the family ,earn reputation and money. Plus the education system in India dates back to centuries. People in US Literarally work on technologies far ahead from us and we are still happy with JAVA. I had an incident once when i was literally told on the call that India is a land of sales people , you people can not think something of your own.
My important career decision
To do my MBA (International business ) after doing my Engineering.
My advice
Specific on one particular area . Not as a traditional approach i.e try your hands on every area , You might be lucky some where.
Challenges faced in job
I think the sales part ( my primary job profile ) is in itself is the hardest. But the regular ups and down helps me understand that life doesn't sail everytime your way you win some where you loose some where.
Managing professional as well as personal life
I am not Married so I guess i take a time out to meet my friends and Family
Books recommended
No books , Just go with your gut feeling and experiences from people written on the web.
My strongest Skill
Market research , Information gathering and Data collection.
Company and job profile
Hi I am working as a Manager Sales with an IT Company based out in US. I am liable to do business generation and team handling.
Being different
I don't segregate Initially i thaught that Engineering would be different . But after engineering I realised I had same knowledge which a guy has same knowledge when he passes out BCA or a correspondance course through NIIT.
My achievement
Was the animation gaming champion in my college.
Family Background
Father ;- Lawyer
Mother :- Professor
My role model
No role model .. they keep on changing .
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