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Advice Request
Saumitra Chakraborty
Saumitra Chakraborty

Saumitra Chakraborty

Professional teacher

Self Employed

Important decision
My decision to leave the life in the corporate world and becoming a full time tutor has been the most important decision.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Self-belief, honesty and a balance between straight forwardness and diplomacy.
More about myself
A strange part of my nature is that I am more successful in mentoring/teaching girls than I am with the boys. While there are many boys whom I have guided and who have done brilliantly in their careers, on the whole I enjoy a distinct comfort level while dealing with girl children.
Treating them as my daughters come naturally to me and therein lies perhaps my relatively success with them.
Brief description about me
I am a straight forward person engaged who loves mentoring children and by profession, is a private tutor. Patience and honesty are my strong points so much necessary in my profession. A non-judgemental by nature I am a staunch believer in equality between men and women and I practise the same in my personal, professional and social life.
My family background
My parents have expired and I stay alone, being the only child of my departed parents. I am grateful for the guidance they have provided me which, directly as well as indirectly have helped shape my values and nature.
My role model
Deep Purkayastha, of the NGO named Praajack, situated in New Alipore is one of my most influential role model. He is a role model as well as my friend who have inculcated in me much of the self belief I possess. It is due to him that I have developed a positive and non-judgemental outlook towards life in general. He himself is a classical example of a Karmyogi who leads by example.
Couple of years from now
I see myself in the same profession but with greater success professionally, financially as well as in terms of spiritual satisfaction.
My strongest skill
1) Non-judgemental nature.
2) Absolute honesty especially with the students.
3) Almost a lack of ego problems. I consciously never allow the ego to get the better of my logical judgement. This especially apart from my patient nature, allows the children to feel free to share their problems, academic or otherwise.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The main problem with the education system in India is that children are never given the Right to Self-Determination.
People who are at the planning seat decide what is good for the children almost arbitrarily without even understanding the ground level realities faced by the children.
To cite an example CBSE made the board exams at class 10 level with the concept that the board exams make the students stressful. STRANGE logic I should say. the present CCE system is perhaps one of the most harmful system ever and has in reality helped to INCREASE the stress.
The people at the decision making bodies fail to understand that the stress on the children are NOT due to Board exams but due to parental ambitions. Teachers also pile up this pressure for many a reasons [mostly persona gains].
Where does a child go sandwiched between status concerned parents, per pressure and unnecessary and unhealthy competition?
There is a desperate need to feel the genuine issues that stresses a child.
Ensuring success
Trying to organize my profession more and more.
Initiative to develop a country
Different professional are contributing in different way. It is vital they curb their instincts from being over ambitious and look around them with honesty. Leading a luxurious life is fine as long as it is acquired through proper channels. One cannot possibly help others unless he or she is balanced himself or herself, in all aspect of life. But beyond that one must be brutally honest to oneself. That in itself will help the society to a great extent.
If all professionals are working with a genuine intent and integrity what is to stop India from being a glorious country?
Influenced by
1) My parents (need I explain why?)
2) Deep Purkayastha - As mentioned before, he has been my mentor in many ways.
3) I have an unofficially adopted sister. Being the only child of respective parents, both of us adopted each other as brother and sister, beyond all documents and rules. She is my inspiration to life.
Degree that I recommend
Maybe a degree in education [B. Ed] would have helped but there are practical hurdles since my basic degree was acquired long back in 1991 followed by the masters in Geology which is not a school subject and certainly not offered in any B. Ed programme.
Apart from this perhaps a study programme in women studies might aid me.
Important lesson learned
1) It is vital to overcome one's own ego by being unemotional and using logic.
2) Be non-judgemental. All are going through some phase of struggle and errors do happen.
3) Advantages of being straight-forward and true to oneself cannot be overemphasized ever.
My achievements
1) I am proud of my ability to balance my ego with ground realities.
2) My success with the children, esp the girls. it gives me deep satisfaction.
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