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Advice Request
Sandeep Singh
Sandeep Singh

Sandeep Singh

ceo inphlox



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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Father as a government officer. Mother simply house wife. Younger sister doing M.Pharma
Most Important Lessons
- commitment in all respect is very important.
- Hit on time else you are out of race.
- good planning and execution is as important as having an good Idea.
Required Reading
Websites: and
Book - The Art of Software Testing - By Glenford J. Myers
Areas for the Future
Security and Automation Testing is very important and will most in future.
Tech trends to watch out for
Cloud Computing and the wide spectrum that "open Source platform" provide us requires more security testing and have very huge scope.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
- All type of tests for a website/applications
- securing data of sites
- rectifying all bugs/issues related to site only
Changes in the industry
now a days every one giving special attention on QA/Testing part. More valuable and confidential data so more consciousness. As now there are various devices available for net surfing so QA/Testing plays an important role here. day by day QA/Testing role are increasing.
Essential Advice
- keep yourself update. have a close eye on internet trend.
- Passion, commitment and never giveup attitude is very important.
- don't ever take this domain as a job else you will get en error always! show your interest and you can win the game
A Fine Balance:
- Mediation
- Strict to my daily life schedules
- always give some time to myself/my-hobbies which keeps me fresh and reduce stress level.
Plans for the Future
As an entrepreneur !!!
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