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Ask Sameer Soni for Advice
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Advice Request
Sameer Soni
Sameer Soni

Sameer Soni


Brief description
Hi, I am Sameer Soni, born and raised in New Delhi, India. Relocated to Vancouver, Canada in Aug 1993. Canadian Citizen since 1996. I completed my B.Ss Physics Hons in 1992, and did one year of M.Sc from Delhi University in 1993 (equivalent to Under Grad Degree here in Canada). I also did a three yr of schooling in BCIT in Vancouver canada where I studied advanced Telecom, LAN, RF and CMOS design and analysis. I have been working here in a multi-national FABLESS semiconductor company called PMC-Sierra since 1999, where we design ASIC for Communication/Storage/RF and Fiber to Home solutions. I have done various projects in this company where I worked solo on complex projects and also part or lead of various designers in very large multi-site projects.
Challenges in job
As Moore’s law predicted semiconductor keeps on growing every few years, as we shrink the device size (now touching 20nmeters), design, fabrication and meeting specs become complex and need a thorough analysis. This complex nature of semiconductor in ASIC design makes us more and more knowledgeable in our field every technology node. As I have decided to be in this field for rest of my career, I think solving complex problems will enable me in surviving and thriving in these tough market conditions.

Job made easy
Personally, I find that various online resources and wiki pages make knowledge easily accessible. Advanced analysis tools also can predict and solve complex problems in CMOS design/layout which human mind cannot. Access to having such resources along with many years of experience makes my job easier as time goes by.
Upcoming trends
Global economic conditions and technology shrink (Optical) will be challenging aspects of semiconductor companies for coming years. But Global growth of Internet and Online Storage will always benefit semiconductor companies like ours which provide solution to this newer emerging technologies

My point of view
We are not doing anything wrong, Looking at growth in Indian Semiconductors professional along with jobs in this field, in very near future we will see full semiconductor solution coming from Indian companies. Compared to North America and Europe, we are still new in this field, but in very near future when local knowledge grows, we will see many interesting products coming from India

My goals
My Goal is to be a technical lead to designers in coming years. This will help me in sharing my knowledge and expertise globally to new team members which join our company

Family background
I belong to very educated family. My father is a retired senior scientist in field of Physics from reputed govt organization in India. My younger brothers are part of software and electronics hardware team in multi-national companies in North America. My wife is MCA from India and has worked for TCS and Govt of India before relocating to Canada.
My advice to professionals
Hard work and sharing knowledge always help in the long run. Keeping the skill sets in sync with newer emerging technologies also helps one in not becoming obsolete in these changing times
Advice to students
Study hard, and learn the aspects of Physics given by expert teaching staff. All the things one learns during college/school years can come in handy during job when real aspects of semiconductors are tested.

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