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Advice Request
Saimantee Bhattacharya
Saimantee Bhattacharya

Saimantee Bhattacharya

DM - Learning and Development

AXA Business Services


Saimantee Bhattacharya is a member of:

Recruiting new generation:
Social media is the buzz word for recruiting Gen Y. They are accessible on sites like linkedin and even facebook. Retaining them would mean giving them the environment that they can relate to. Gen Y believes in equality, they will want to do something not because they have been told to do so but because they see value in it. They are as ambitious as Gen X probably, however they communicate that more openly. To retain Gen y, we need to have an open culture of trust 881984 transparency, equal opportunities to prove their credibility and most interestingly a good work life balance. They have clear priorities, to them social life outside office is as important as their work life. Hence, engagement with them can also be fostered through social events and opportunities for networking within the organization.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
Right attitude is the key. Skills can be acquired, knowledge can be imparted but the element that takes maximum time and efforts is attitude alignment and that is the key to derive great performance.
Current HR Trends:
We really need to move away from the belief that says "HR is common sense and anyone can perform the role of an HR professional." And this change has to be brought in by us! Understanding and aligning to business priorities in going to be the key factor, followed by measurable organizational development to bring in more efficiency.
HR Challenges:
Change in itself is a challenge and effectively implementing it and sustaining is a bigger challenge for any organization. Another key challenge for HR is to drive global economies while keeping constant focus on improving employee engagement and development.
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
This is really challenging and one can keep working towards it. The answer probably is to have an integrated approach of connecting with employees at all levels. Selection via competency based interviewing, keeping in touch with them from the time of selection i.e. even before they join, strengthening those ties through a fair and just performance assessment process, providing developmental opportunities and career pathing.
Improving Education system
I think we are moving in the right direction. We have started looking beyond medical and engineering. We also need to focus more on experiential and activity based learning. Children should be made aware of all the available career options so that they can select what suits them best.
Leadership Programs in Place:
Leadership begins with 'leading oneself' and hence self awareness is the key. Programs focusing on awareness of one's leadership style using psychometric instruments followed by concepts like emotional intelligence, situational leadership and driving change create a good thread to start with. Development media is equally important. We need to move beyond instructor led sessions. Coaching, mentoring, experiential and knowledge sharing forums can be very effective along with on the job, e-learning and instructor led sessions. Results can be multifold if these initiatives are driven effectively. Targeted action plan aligned to the individual's development plan leads to desired outcomes like focused competency development, strategic thinking and strengthened leadership pipeline.
HR Strategies In Place
Strong employee referral system, high ratio of internal promotions, focused developmental opportunities, strong internal communication network, focus on diversity and inclusiveness etc.
Relationship with HR and Top Management
HR Head reports directly into the CEO.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
Through assessment centers for some levels and performance based assessments and interviews.
Pain Points:
Being able to measure, quantify and showcase the value added by HR to the organization.
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