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Advice Request
Sagar Subhash Kotalwar
Sagar Subhash Kotalwar

Sagar Subhash Kotalwar


ANAX DWH Solution


Sagar Subhash Kotalwar is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
There are five Members in my family including me
My father is a shopkeeper
My Mother is Housewife
My Elder brother Doing CA(Chatared Accountant) in Pune
My Yonger Sister doing M.Com(1st year)
and i have done BE in 2010 and curently in mumbai.
The Journey So Far
As i first I worked in BPO as a technical support for sake of money after my BE passout for 10 months and then done the Testing Course and the Testing Certificate and then Java course and now I am working as Free lancing in Mumbai from last 4 months
Role Model
My Father
b'caz he told me that dont fail in life
try n try and work hard n you will get the benifit from that

I seen my dad from which condition he suffer
Currently working at
currently i am in Mumbai and doing a free lancing on behalf of one company from last 4 months
and working on java, jsp and servlet.

and currently working on Online Test Project
Required Reading
Testing Fundamentals -- Myer

Most Important Decisions
i want to become the QA for that I have done the ISTQB and CSI testing certification
Tech trends to watch out for
White box testing so that i can find out the bur/error jsut by seeing the code or review
Essential Advice
lets have some exerience in the development field so that it is helpful for them for designing the test cases
Degrees that Matter
A Fine Balance:
when i got a challange of work life then I divide it in parts
and do the hard part first and then easy part and takes some sleep to get refreshed and reenergized.
Plans for the Future
I want to be get into Google so for few years I will be QA in a company and after next few years I will be QA in Google
Most Important Lessons
that you have to work alone no body cares about you and no body will help you in the professional life
Parting thoughts
you have learn yourself and you must ready for any challange in your life and you should face it
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