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Advice Request
Sadashiv Borgaonkar
Sadashiv Borgaonkar

Sadashiv Borgaonkar

Business and Turnkey Consultant

ACTSol and Associates

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I stay at Gulbarga, Karnataka state. I am happily married to Mrs Snehal Borgaonkar and a proud father of two daughters. I am a partner in a 40 years old Family Business of Hindustan Petroleum Products, Auto Spare Parts Retail at Gulbarga and a new Management and Turnkey Consulting firm at Bangalore.
Career Profile:
In the last role, I was attached to a management consulting firm at Pune. Now I am a proud owner of my own Management and Turnkey Consulting firm, registered at Bangalore. Current responsibility include business development as well as execution, but in the previous role, I was more of an executioner
Advice For New Professionals:
Honesty Pays. Dont be Unethical & give yourself away to unfair business practices. Be true to yourself. Follow your passion, but dont be blinded by it, see that your goal is attached to your passion. Work hard to build your skills & strengths that are in congruence to your passion & goals.
The Decisions That Matter
Being an entrepreneur in a family business (retail sector) and then starting a new Management Consulting and Turnkey Solutions providing company, after getting a brief stint of employment for 3 years in a consulting company at Pune, is the most important career and a conscious decision I took.
Required Reading:
Books: 1) Power of Impossible Thinking by Yoram (Jerry) Wind. 2) A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge by Project Management Institute, 3) Business Consulting by Gilbert Toppin. 4) Leadership Brain by Marilee Sprenger
Websites: and
Degrees That Matter:
1. Business Administration

2. Six Sigma Black Belt.

3. Project Management.

4. Balanced Scorecard.

5. Lean Manufacturing.

6. Financial Modeling through excel.
7. Finance for non - finance executives.
Working Life Management:
Follow basics of Time Management in personal as well as professional life
Job Profile:
I am the Founder Director of ACTSol and Associates (Avinash Consulting and Turnkey Solutions). I undertake projects related to:
1)Detailed Feasibility Analysis. 2)Detailed Project Reports. 3)Business Development 4)New Processes and Improvements 5)Training and Development 6)Service Quality Excellence
Role Model:
The role model who inspires me are two people. One is Mr Narayan Murthy, the Founder and Chief Mentor of Infosys (due to his great Business Skills).The other is Swami Vivekananda (due to his approach towards spirituality as well as guts to face the odds in life)
Plans For The Future:
Rising myself, my family and my business to the pinnacles of success, through application of ethical, fair and transparent practices both in personal and professional scenarios. In the next couple of years, I will lay a strong foundation for all these to happen.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Its quite difficult to comment on this, as I am back to entrepreneurship after a brief stint of 3 years as an employee. Prior to this, I was a Businessman for 13 years.
Other Thoughts:
I would like to share with you the following things:

1. The mission of my life is to create a nurturing place of order, happiness and progress.

2. Daily, I work diligently to help myself, my family, my key relationships, my clients, with a fine balance between the self chosen principles and values
Done Differently:
There would not be much of a difference in the attitude and approach towards the career restart. I would use the previous experience and learn from the mistakes. I firmly believe that I am a product of my own decisions and hence will take responsibility of restarting the career in a much better way
Connect with Sadashiv Borgaonkar on Linkedin
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