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Pratima Jagadeesh
Pratima Jagadeesh

Pratima Jagadeesh

Head - HR

CoreEL Technologies


Pratima Jagadeesh is a member of:

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HR Strategies in Place in your Company
CoreEL is a core electronics technology company which is into VLSI & Embedded System design services and Intellectual Property. The businesses are spread across design services, training, distribution and product development. CoreEL management firmly believes in people, process and technology.

Few HR strategies that we follow in common with that of industry are towards the practices in hiring, performance based incentives, focus on employee ownership and engagement, Open house discussions.

Few unique practices we follow in HR are towards employee welfare benefits. Open door culture, Regular employee ownership survey and individual department satisfaction survey, amiable knowledge sharing sessions and workplace counselling.
Today trends seen in HR
The latest trends in HR fraternity is been the practices towards Performance Management System-recognising high performer and high potential employees is the key today. Employee empowerment and lot of impetus on constant learning and development is also gearing up. Aspirational Developmental programs, Mentoring, and job rotation is getting stimulated.

Biggest Pain Point
There is nothing like biggest or smallest in pain points. Pain is always a pain. How quickly do we act and treat it, is what matters. When the organization realises some pain areas, there is no point in prioritizing on its intensity. It just needs get fixed.

Some of them to list in this area what I have encountered are

Right hire at the right position within a stipulated period of time

Competency mapping Decision making process in retaining right person with right skill sets at the right job.

Building of an open minded institution which does not have any influence of any individual power, position or supremacy. An organization which is driven solely by processes.

probably the last ones is been the most demanding and arduous task.
Motivating Employees with Rewards
We have a structured Reward and Recognition plan. Starting from Spot awards to annual awards such as Individual performance awards, leadership awards, service awards are some of them to name.

Motivation is more of a timing. Particularly reporting managers have a vital role in encouraging their reportees. A pat on a back, an appreciation on mail or verbally announcing it in front of the entire team too add lot of value.
Different Qualities looking while hiring people
Primarily Technical Skillsets required to deliver the respective R&R followed by Soft Skills such as affirmative attitude, communication, presentation etc.

While hiring managers the list adds some more traits such as people management skills, Leadership skills, Decision Making, Problem Solving, Risk Management, Interpersonal Skills along with EQ and SQ gets evaluated.
Some of the leadership development programs being held & results obtained
Sales force very recently underwent power based selling which also encompassed leadership traits.

Yearly T&D programs shares its due fraction in developing leaders scaling with various programs incorporating under personality development series.

Engaging Gen Y workforce
Give them a real picture of the organization and they would decide.

Once when they are in its highly expected to retain the same culture of what we project to them while hiring.

Create an open culture to accept their suggestions, recognise their strong points and place them in right positions and they will show their tangible potential.
Promotional techniques
Employee Welfare benefits, Regular Employee Satisfaction Survey, Open House Forums, Instant Drop boxes for suggestions have worked effectively.

Regular events towards work-life balance within company, recreational activities also comprising of extracurricular activities recognizing their other talents have worked.

Encouraging a high performers and HIPO by involving them in decision making process, abroad opportunities, sponsoring for relevant conferences certainly promotes and brings in lot of assertiveness at work and its worked as well.
Workplaces are changing. Cultures are evolving. The average employee today is different from his/her counterpart from a decade ago too? What is lacking and what does he/she need to keep in mind in todays working scenario
Yes, Yes and certainly YES. The workplace has unearthed a sea change in today and a decade ago. Everything right from technology, learning speed, perception towards employees, practices, processes, business models, expansions to just name a few have changed drastically.

What is lacking is a generation gap and few old methodologies that still exists. One needs to really adapt to be more flexible, more elastic & adaptable, more yielding and influencing the system in a short period of time. And more predominantly one needs to be more altruistic & benevolent and whose vision is more broader and bigger against narrower and smaller. Just to reiterate you loose focus on sky as long as the focus is towards miniscule things on ground.
Attract good people, retain the better people and advance the best people
I hope this question is been answered already many a times.

Attract good people is towards having a good business model and inculcating best practices which the industry has today.

Retain good employees is retain the home grown culture and constantly feed them with what motivates that individual which also would advance them to the next category to be the best.
Advice/ suggestions to fellow HRs
HR community is corroborating its deliverable meritoriously. Few suggestions would be like

Surface out of the same stereotyped questions they ask while hiring

To play a key role in building organizational culture

HR group can widen its horizons to play consequent role in social sector as well apart from the conventional CSR strategies.

Active involvement in businesses & financials of the organization too.
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