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Advice Request
Sachin Pawaskar
Sachin Pawaskar

Sachin Pawaskar

Service-International Marketing

Abatera General Trading LLC, Dubai (Indian Office)


Sachin Pawaskar is a member of:

Influenced by
Mr. Sunil Maroo, Owner of Maroo Steels, Mumbai and Mr. Sujit Pal, Export Head of Maroo Steels. These two guys are live examples of Hard Work and Smart Work in my life.
As I told earlier, due to poor financial condition I became serious about my career since childhood and started working in teenage only. Hard work was in blood but these two guys were truly amazing. I have seen Mr. Sunil Maroo thinking of business and working accordingly 24X7. At any given moment of time his preference was his work.
Mr. Sujit Pal, a real smart worker I have ever seen in my life. He is good performer, good manager and good human being as well. From him I could learn how to work hard, smart and still give time to yourself, your family. He gave me to professional vision to look at International Marketing. It’s not just tapping customer but understanding customer.
Thanks to both of them.
Couple of years from now
Well, can’t predict but yes, I believe to be a Successful International Marketeer. I started my career in international business with Steel Industry and I will love to be in Steel Industry for rest of the life. But you never know what destiny has planned for you.However it is Aim in my life to be Strong International Marketeer and increase Indian export as much as possible so as to earn foreign exchange for Indian Economy.
Degree that I recommend
Yes off course.MBA in International Marketing.
It was my long time dream to do MBA in international business but due to financial situation earlier and family responsibilities later, I could not complete so. However whenever life will permit, I will definitely do so.
My achievements
Nothing much, honestly. Mine is just a 10 years professional career out of which first 5 years were spent in learning. But yes I can proudly say that I have contributed towards Indian Economy by earning Foreign Exchange by way of Export from India.
On personal front I can point out one thing as my achievement, which is “Development of Egypt Market” for my earlier company, MAROO STEELS. I was new to international marketing that time. I had worked purely into international marketing for just 1 year until then. But with support of my export head and own hard work I could tap couple of good customers with substantial quantity and opened to door for company’s export business in Egypt.
Ensuring success
Up-gradation of my knowledge, information regarding world market (Steel Industry mainly). Learn new technologies which are necessary for International Communication.
Maintaining healthy relations with customers as Marketing is nothing but relationship.

One of the important thing I always do it to share knowledge and information. This help me to increase my database and learn new things.
My strongest skill
I believe it’s, Interpersonal Communication which has helped me a lot in international marketing. However I cannot claim that. It will be proved when it is said by others .
Few other skills I can list out as below :
• Export Selling and Marketing Skills / Negotiation Abilities
• Ability to work in cross- functional teams
• Ability to work with other functions in achieving its objectives
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Once again, Interpersonal Communication is an important quality when one wants to become leader.
Few other qualities i can mention are as below :
Ability to understand superiors and sub ordinate (basically ability to understand anyone).
Positive Attitude
Ability to work as Contributor and not just Adviser
and most important, one can become successful leader only when he/she will start working from basic level / ground level.
Important lesson learned
Be truthful to yourself, believe yourself
TRUTH has enormous power. It may make your path little difficult but it ensures your success, your achievement.Second thing, never neglect others opinion even if it is from your subordinates. I have personally experienced it :)
My role model
Cannot mention any particular one. There are many people who I consider as Role Model in different situations. I can list few as below :

1. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj for his courage, love for motherland, Intelligence, Deep and Long Thinking, etc.
2. Mahatma Gandhi for his mantra of TRUTH.
3. Mrs. Sindhutai Sapkal for her kindness, love towards orphans and most importantly ability to fight against own life, own destiny.
4. Shri. Ratan Tata for his social sense in spite of being a successful businessman. His style of doing business (keeping development of nation in mind)
5. My mother from whom I always learned to give your best to others without expecting anything in return.
More about myself
Yes,its personal and not professional. Give time for yourself, your family and your friends. Keep one thing is mind that Family always needs you and you always need your family.Friends are very much important in your life to be happy, positive and out of stress.

So be a Successful human being first and then successful person :)
Brief description about me
Difficult question.Well, I am Sachin Pawaskar, from middle class family in Mumbai. Economical condition of family awarded me early maturity and since childhood I became serious about my career. “What to be?” in life, was unknown but “to be something” was sure.With many economical huddles I could complete my graduation in commerce and diploma in International Marketing. I started working when I entered Junior College. But I never regret for that. It helped me to complete mine as well as my sister’s education. In spite of this busy schedule (college – work), I spent time playing KHO-KHO at state level. I am mentioning this here because this game taught me many things which helped me in my professional life. Team Work, Planning, Motivation, and Accepting Defeat, still continue to be in race. I also write poems, like to read books. This helped me to improve my communication skill and today I am working as International Marketing Manager, Pure communication JOB 
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Big question. I am too small to comment on this.However i understood few days back that there is no exams till 8th standard in SSC board schools. This is suicide. We are damaging base of education.Again practical (but logical) learning to be included. Now a days many schools give project work to students which most of the time their parents has to complete as those projects are too difficult to be handled by students of that age. Hence such practical learning should be rational and logical which should ensure students involvement.
Initiative to develop a country
Regular Tax PaymentKeeping National Interest in mind while working towards profit of Company or oneself.Contribute towards social cause.Investment in Indian Companies.Avoid Corruption
Important decision
Most important decision was to come into Export Business and earn foreign exchange for India.After that all were professional decisions.
My family background
Simple traditional family.
Mom - Housewife
Dad - working with bank of Maharashtra
Elder Sister got married
Younger sister works with Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation School as pre primary teacher
Wife works with Petrofac India Pvt. Ltd. as a Civil Designer
1 daughter 4.5years old and expecting a new baby soon :)
Small and Happy family
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