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Ask Devendra Joshi for Advice
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Advice Request
Devendra Joshi
Devendra Joshi

Devendra Joshi

HR Manager

Tech Group


Devendra Joshi is a member of:

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I belongs to a middle class Indian family and did my studies from Delhi. My father is employed in Delhi Police and my mother is a house wife. My parents are not much qualified but provide to all their children a good education. I did my Masters in Personnel Management from Pune University in 2006.
Career Profile:
I am holding a Group HR Manager's position in my company and heading the HR team of my company for UAE and Lebanon operations. Dealing with employee's issues and handling their grievances. I am dealing with different nationalities of manpower.
Degrees That Matter:
Yes, I would like to have a degree in Labour Laws (may be LLB) and CIPD certification to enhance my qualification to boom my career further.
Role Model:
Yes, I was inspired by Mr. P.K. Gandhi - Ex-Vice President HR, Punj Lloyd Ltd. India, I have worked with him for around one year and really inspired by his way of thinking and dealing with his employees and sure I would like to be on the similar position some day.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I am proud that with all educational background from India and being an Indian leading a team of international professionals.
Growth Strategy:
I keep updating my self with the latest changes in national and international market and never drop a habit of reading.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Now the competition in professional market has increased and the availability of professionals in the market is more and qualified people are available on low salaries which also affect the value of education and increase the competition.
Working Life Management:
My wife is also a professionally qualified and she supports me as much as she can do. Also there is saying 'behind a successful man there is a woman'. I balance my work and personal life equal.
Other Thoughts:
Yes, I would like to stress on that our Indian education system should be promoted by the govt. as our curricular is more than sufficient to compete the international market and can produce more professionals in coming future.
Job Profile:
I am on the position of Human Resource Manager and holding a senior position in the organisation. I am in second line in our company's hierarchy.
Advice For New Professionals:
Always keep your aim in your mind and never divert your career here and there to get the temporary job opportunities and money as that may give you a small span of success but can't help you to achieve your goals.
The Decisions That Matter
I am clear with my vision and I have clear foresight for my career growth.
Plans For The Future:
I aim for myself to be the business head or to be the part of board of director in such growing organisations. Final aim of my life is to be the CEO of any organisation where I can run it successfully and can make my different identity in the corporate.
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