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Advice Request
Imtiyaz Khan
Imtiyaz Khan

Imtiyaz Khan

Sr. PHP Developer


Imtiyaz Khan is a member of:

- Expert
Family Background
I belongs to middle family. We are three brothers and one sister in my family. My father is farmer. My elder brother is teacher and middle one is also a religious teacher. My mother is house wife. I married with Afsana Bano in October 2009. She is B.A., B.ed. but currently she is not working.
Yes, there are some situations when I feel pressure. But, I don't afraid deadlines. In that situations I prioritize the deadline tasks. One by one I catch the tasks and resolve that. First, I resolve the less effort task then go ahead towards to more efforts task. So, I meet the deadlines.
Inspiration to Create
Its not depend on me that what would be the behaviour of site because normally, I worked for clients. So, I dependent on clients that what functionality they want and what will be the look of the site. But, I always try to do my best effort's of quality in my coding standards.
Educational background
I have done BCA from MCRPV University Bhopal and after that I completed my M.Sc(CS) from the same university. After that working in PHP/Mysql technology.
Web development tools
For coding I normally use edit plus and netbeans IDs. Both are free and edit plus is very light to one any file and very easy to use and have very short cuts. And netbeans I use to debugging the project. Both are my favorite tools.
Interview Tips
You have to prepare your own paper set accordingly. In your paper set there should be all types questions like oops, technology, database, html, javascript, ajax, jquery, etc.
Previous Job Role vs Current Job Role
Presently, I am working with SVN Server, Linux and Solr technology. These all are new for me. I have started working with linux because I want learn linux and other ones are company platform that I have to follow.
Currently, I am working in a team and but in my previous company I was working alone for a client. Normally, I prefer to work alone.
Journey to the corporate world
When I came Delhi in 2004 I was not aware about the technology and scope of software. I was just completed my BCA so was very nervous. How to get job because my family background was not strong. So I need a job. Then I started work as an operator. And today I am a Sr. PHP Developer.
Brief us about working on new technology?
I have worked various type of frameworks like Zend, Cake, Yii and template engine like smarty. I have also worked on wordpress, Typo Light(Contao) and Joomla cms. But, I like Zend framework because It came with a complete library.
I have just started work on solr technology of java with PHP and would like to Improve that with Yii framework because its a light weight framework.
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