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S. Venkata Seshaiah
S. Venkata Seshaiah

S. Venkata Seshaiah


IBS Business School


S. Venkata Seshaiah is a member of:

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Education and teaching background
I did my M.A., M.Phil, and Ph.D. in the area of Econometrics. I Have 21 years of teaching and research experience. I teach Managerial economics, Macroeconomics &Business environment, Portfolio Management and Business strategy foe M.B.A. Students and taught research methodology for Ph.D. Students. I have published about 70 publications in both National and International Journals. I have been working in IBS Hyderabad since April, 2001, prior to joining IBS Hyderabad I worked in National council for applied economics, Birla Institute of Technology and Science. My teaching Philosophy is “Teacher is always a student and research is a complement for best teaching”
Teaching Style
I travelled through different phases in my teaching career, Initial stages of my career I was just confined to text books to impart concepts to the students whatever I was teaching. The evaluation method was only conducting exams. Today I think my teaching is unique because of the following.

Practical approach: I conduct case studies, games, and simulations, etc. that enhance the learning activity of the students.

Research: Since I believe research is complement for best teaching, I also take research finding on a particular issue or topic which complements students learning outcome.

Songs Methodology: For every concept related to the subject I play two to three minutes song as a startup which helps the students to involve more effectively in case discussion. For example a song on inflation which talks on supply side economics and its repercussions and solution given by Prof. Keynes.

Continuous evaluation method: Since our pedagogy is 100% case study approach, the students gets everyday on the performance and know where they stand that helps them to improve further. I also use the other form of evaluation methods such term papers, home assignments which enhance the overall learning outcome of the students.

Counseling: I also council my students wherever required for their career and development.
Finally I feel that as a teacher I have a greater responsibility to play in shaping the students and making them employable and hence I adopt all the above techniques.
Change teaching Style based on quality Students
I must have taught 10000 thousand Plus students throughout my career till today. In the initial stages of my career may be first five years I taught non industry experienced students which compelled me to teach only concepts. Over a period of time I found mix of industry experienced students as well as non industry experienced students which enable me to discuss the application of concepts for decision making. As experience increased I also found my earlier students working as CEOs, Vice Presidents, and Presidents etc. By interacting with alumina as well as the students that I am teaching, I could nurture myself understating the expectations of the students, Industry expectations and moreover net working with academia and Industry further molded me to change my teaching style. I strongly believe that both my experience (which enable me to net work) and quality of students in class over a period of time molded me to change my teaching style that maximizes the knowledge and learning outcome of the students. Today I strongly believe my student as my customer and it is my responsibility to serve ethically that maximizes the learning outcome and knowledge of the students and hence both experience and quality of students complementing each other in my teaching career.
Top 3 things favorable to students learning
IBS Hyderabad has created a model that integrates Teaching, Research, Institutional Development, community development and knowledge sharing. This approach provides world class ambience for students learning. The following are the major three things that complement the system for integration and make it favorable to students learning.

Work Culture: The system believes in academic freedom, Research that complements teaching, Industry Institute partnership, and Knowledge sharing and community development. Knowledge sharing is one of the most important activities of our Institute. Especially, the senior faculty members involve more in mentoring their junior faculty members by conducting research seminars and workshops on issues related to teaching and research. They also give them the right direction and encourage them to publish papers in the best journals. The senior faculty members also learn from junior faculty member and hence Knowledge sharing takes place between both junior and senior faculty members because there is never an end to learning.

Colleagueship: The success of the organization depends on the proactive Colleagueship and this makes it favorable to student learning. The work culture of IBS Hyderabad develops proactive colleagueship.

Reward Policy: Since the Institute promotes excellence in teaching, basic & applied research in the specialized areas of the faculty members. The Institute has developed a teaching and research policy to recognize and reward a continuous record of outstanding scholarship or creativity of the faculty member.
The above three best practices of IBS Hyderabad motivates the faculty member to work for vision and Mission statement of the Institute and that makes favorable to students learning.
Future students & Hiring Companies.
Since our Institute continuously strive for integrating Teaching, Research, Institutional development, Community Development and Knowledge Sharing to make students employable by accomplishing and restoring the following steps, our institute is the best platform for future students and one of the best products for companies to hire.

Continuous interaction with industry in the form of frequent visits to organizations to monitor the summer projects as well as management research projects of the students.

Frequent interaction with industry for inputs to curriculum development, which takes care of the industry needs.

Converting the students of summer projects and management research projects as prospective candidates for the industry.

In the process of consulting, faculty learns the intricacies of practical dimensions, which will be carried back to the students.

Conducting management development programs, training programs and consultancy which enhance the Industry and institute partnership.
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