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Advice Request
Rupsha Banerjee
Rupsha Banerjee

Rupsha Banerjee


Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


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Important lesson learned
One of the most important lessons in life is to be true to your work and maintain a very strong work ethics. Every morning when you wake up, to ask yourself that if the work you are doing is helping the world in some way or not. A lot of obstacles will come but the key is to be honest and be persistent.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I think one of the reasons that Indians do so well abroad is because of the strong education base that is given to us. Definitely a lot remains to be desired especially in the public schools but our under graduate colleges and graduate universities give us the foundation to pursue higher studies like PhD. However to make sure that we have better research and development, it is important that the capacity of the universities are built with larger funding allocated to higher studies and the basic education at the school level. It is important that teachers at that level are paid well so that they build the foundation of a strong nation is built and we get thinkers for building a stronger nation of equity and justice
Initiative to develop a country
First and foremost all professionals should pay their taxes and not evade them. Second, they should foster a good work ethic around them and finally in order to alleviate poverty and build the capacity of the poor should use their expertise towards improving infrastructure, institutions, monitoring and evaluation systems...create checks and balances for holding every service providers accountable.
My role model
During the course of my PhD, I spent a year in Germany where I met an
incredible person like Prof. Regina Birner. I am very grateful to her for being my second supervisor and encouraging me to work with an ethic and code of work which can just make someone produce
only the best. She is probably the most well known person in the field of agriculture innovation systems, but the amount of humility and eagerness to learn has not diminished even after reaching such heights. She is truly an inspiration and I will look up to her always in taking lessons on how to become a better human being.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Humility and the willingness to learn. The integrity to accept mistakes and rectify them. Able to carry a team together and respect diversity both cultural as well as opinions and able to take the best of all ideas. Able to strategically think on the long term without ignoring the short term hurdles and moreover put the institution before thinking about himself/herself
More about myself
If people would have the wisdom to just use what he or she requires and lived and let live...the world would have truly been a better place. It is much easier to do what is right and listen to you inner conscious rather than trying to grab what is not rightfully yours
Brief description about me
I have a PhD in Science Technology studies with specialization in Institutional Innovation. My area of expertise lie in analyzing social & institutional change processes, governance in rural development, political dimensions of agriculture in developing countries and
policies to link agricultural knowledge with action for sustainable development. In addition I have agricultural research and rural development work experience in Asia.
Couple of years from now
Instead of seeing myself a couple of years from now...I would say 5 years is a good milestone to determine your life five years from now I see myself in a Senior Scientific position of one of the International Agricultural Institutes influencing policy in India and around the world.
My strongest skill
I am a team player with respect for diversity and effective operation across national and cultural boundaries
I have good analytical and communication skills, technology and business savvy, with trans-disciplinary orientation
My achievements
At the age of 23 I was responsible for the conception of what has now become a leading organization of Microfinance services in Pune city. I have been responsible for laying the roadmap for CSR activities of Larson and Toubro India Ltd. So far whatever I have achieved has been because of hard work which included getting a PhD fellowship in the oldest University of the western world, University of Bologna and getting my doctoral degree with the highest grade.
My family background
I come from a very modest family background. You could even say we belong to the lower middle class. My father has always lived by strong principles of honesty and integrity and through his small business of heavy equipment maintenance, he made sure I got the best education. My mother has been a home-maker all along, and though a quiet person, she has the wisdom of life and I owe my personality to both my parents. Their motto has always been self-sufficiency and to aspire for one's own goals.
Ensuring success
I have always had the blend of constant education and work. Each time I have worked and felt there has been a stagnation, I have gone to acquire new skill sets...
Another way of learning new things, culture and ways of life is traveling and I have had the privilege to travel in many parts of the world. I am an avid reader and my work makes sure that there is not a single day that I don't learn something new.
Degree that I recommend
A Phd degree is important if you want to influence policy along with knowledge of some statistical packages like STATA.
Influenced by
My parents because they have taught me the lessons of life. My father's lesson of always being honest and true to your work and my mother of always facing the adversities of life with a smile.
Important decision
Leaving a job to go abroad for higher studies, and to be independent breaking the stereotypes of 'settling down' by 25.
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