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Advice Request
Ravi Pratap Singh
Ravi Pratap Singh

Ravi Pratap Singh



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Advice For New Professionals:
I firmly believe that an organization is as good as its people (inclusive of all stakeholders - investors, management, employees, customers and vendors). So I would urge professionals to always work towards building and maintaining genuine win-win relationships with all stakeholders of the organization. Everything else will fall in place.
Family Background
I live with my parents, wife, a school-going son and 13 dogs! :)
Professional Strengths:
It is always a challenge to rate oneself. But the three things that I believe make me tick are my:
1. Integrity
2. Positive Attitude
3. Willingness to Learn, Unlearn & Relearn
Changes In The Professional Environment:
The change in the environment is primarily due to "generational change", which is inevitable. The Gen Y professionals of today are more technologically savvy, willing to experiment, unafraid to speak their minds and have a sense of irreverence to archaic policies and beliefs. These qualities are invaluable for any organization wanting to think out-of-the-box and innovate.

On the flip side, unlike earlier generations, the Gen Y employee is looking for "instant gratification" and doesn’t believe in “lifelong loyalty” to the employer. But I wouldn’t waste my time trying to CHANGE Gen Y in any way. Instead, I would put the onus on the organization to evolve itself in such a manner that it can get the best out of every generation of employee keeping in mind each one’s strengths and weaknesses.
The Decisions That Matter
Becoming an entrepreneur has been the most important career decision I have made. With that one life-changing move, I traded Safety for Risk, Stability for Volatility, and Known for Unknown. A decade later, I am still enjoying the roller-coaster ride and am glad I had the courage to chase my dreams.
Involvement in the Industry
At Learnnovators, we design and develop innovative learning solutions for some of the most reputed corporates across the globe.

As an individual, I was privileged to be involved with the "United Nations ICT Task Force" from 2003 to 2006. Also, I have had the honour of serving on the judging panels of two of the industry's most prestigious learning awards - "Brandon Hall Excellence in Learning Awards" (2006, 2007, 2008 & 2009) and "CLO Magazine's LearningElite Awards" (2012 & 2013).
Degrees That Matter:
I am not a great believer in "formal" degrees and certifications. For me, it all has to do with a person's ATTITUDE... because "Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude!"
Growth Strategy:
My focus has always been to grow and develop as a human being. If I wake up in the morning and see a person in the mirror who is even fractionally better than the one who went to bed the previous night, then I am happy.

I am a “forever learner”. I love to learn, unlearn and relearn all the time. I try to learn from every single person that I get an opportunity to interact with, and treat every single situation (pleasant or otherwise) as a learning experience. Hopefully, this attitude helps me grow and develop as a human being.
Role Model:
Actually, I am an “inspiration seeker”, which means that I am actively looking for inspiration all the time… from people and from my surroundings. So my inspirations and influences come from fairly diverse sources… from sports persons, musicians, actors, politicians, entrepreneurs, family, friends, colleagues, strangers, nature, et al. Therefore, to name one person as my role model would be an impossible task.

But some of the well-known personalities who have inspired me include Mahatma Gandhi (for his strength of character), Steve Jobs (for his genius), Imran Khan (for his leadership), Amitabh Bachchan (for his never-say-die spirit), Nelson Mandela (for his perseverance), Abdul Kalam (for his simplicity), Adam Gilchrist (for his fairplay), Julian Assange (for his courage), and Narayana Murthy (for his ethics).

Ofcourse, my "not-so-famous" role models far outnumber the list above!
The Journey So Far:
It has been a "learning experience" in the true sense of the word. I have been at it for over two decades, and I still get to learn new things at work practically on a daily basis. This is what keeps my adrenaline pumping and my energy levels soaring day in and day out!
Other Thoughts:
Not really... except that this questionnaire is now beginning to seriously test my patience! :)
Working Life Management:
Actually, I don't see "work" and "life" as two different entities. Therefore, I don't feel the need to "balance" them.

I spend time with my family on weekends... but my work hours extend beyond the graveyard shift quite regularly during week days.

Most importantly, my wife and son have never complained regarding any imbalance in my lifestyle... so I guess I am doing something right! :)
Required Reading:
A couple of books that I read in the recent past have been truly inspirational... they are:
1. "Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography" by Walter Isaacson
2. "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch

Mahatma Gandhi's autobiography, "The Story Of My Experiments With Truth", has been an all-time favourite of mine.

I read a whole host of blogs, websites and magazines. The ones that I would recommend to all professionals would be Seth Godin's blog (, Inc. (, and Harvard Business Review ( Apart from these, TED Videos ( are a must-watch!

For e-learning professionals, I would suggest them to subscribe to eLearningIndustry ( and The Rapid eLearning Blog (
Job Profile:
I am a Co-Founder at Learnnovators, an e-learning company headquartered in Chennai and servicing clients across the globe. Currently I head the business development and HR functions at the organization.
Done Differently:
Probably I would have a little more control over my temper and throw fewer tantrums :)
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