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Advice Request
Ravi Ananthakrishnan
Ravi Ananthakrishnan

Ravi Ananthakrishnan

Co-Founder, ThoughtStreamTech Pvt. Ltd.

ThoughtStream Tech Pvt. Ltd


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Influenced by
The people who I have worked, my family and people I read about have influenced me in some way or the other positively. However I think I have learnt most from my father - his sense of honesty, integrity, and hard work.
My family background
Was born and brought up in Delhi. Went to my college in Pondicherry and then did my masters in computer science in the US. Spent close to 11 years working in the US that shaped my character and personality. I am married with 2 daughters and based out of Bangalore.
Brief description about me
I have been in IT for the last 21 years. Spent close to 11 years in the Silicon Valley working in various tech startups and product companies. Came back to India in 2001 and since been working here in various leadership roles. I am based in bangalore and married with two daughters.
My role model
I am highly inspired by Amitabh Bacchhan. From whatever I have read about him, I am highly impressed by the way he came in as an outsider and made his mark in the industry. Also how he resurrected himself after being totally down and neck deep in debt. Today you see him still in the forefront - he has talent and has a never die attitude. Also impressed with his adaptability and able to re-invent himself with the times.
My strongest skill
Integrity, honesty, empathy, detail oriented
Technical knowledge
Initiative to develop a country
Need to learn more and quickly and more importantly teach others around you. There are enough smart people around - identify them and help them succeed
Important lesson learned
Its good to work hard. However one needs to keep a good balance. Health is most important. Everything looks fine till the time health fails. So its very important to ensure one is physically and mentally fit and keep that as a priority before anything else. Secondly spending time with family and friends is equally important. Life is short - learn to enjoy every aspect
My achievements
There are quite a few but the one I am really proud of is my running. Around the age of 42 I took up running. And I was really proud to complete my first full marathon in 2010!
Couple of years from now
Having started on my entrepreneurial journey this year, I want to see my company grow. I would like see our product mature and adopted in the market in a big way and create value for my customers. And in the process create a vibrant and fun workplace as well.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
The key qualities are surround with bright people (brighter than you if possible), walk the talk, have empathy and guide people. One must have the ability to roll up the sleeves and be a role model to the team if you want to command the respect.
Ensuring success
I have kept my learning upto date. I like to speak to folks in the industry and keep myself abreast of what is happening by being part of the social media. Also I have always been technical and am now learning android programming! From a personal front I am spiritual so every experience is a learning for me.
Important decision
One was our decision to move back to India which was supported by my wife and kids which helped. Secondly I decided to lead a fit life by taking up long distance running. And last and not the least start my own company.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Overall I see that Indians are sharp and bright and obviously our education system has a contribution in there. But I feel our course work needs to more tilted towards experiential learning and not just reading books. Secondly I want all teachers to be highly paid so that it becomes a coveted roles. There are quite a few professionals who would like to pick up teaching and that can have a big boost to our learning environment.
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