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Advice Request
Rashid Salmani
Rashid Salmani

Rashid Salmani

Technical Lead

Syncada India Pvt Ltd


Rashid Salmani is a member of:

Current Job Description
I work BI technology such as MSBI,Cognos etc for development of Data Warehouse. I am mainly into ETL development using ETL Tools and SQL queries.The role which I am currently playing is of Technical Lead.
My Strongest Skill
I am Strongest professional skills are Ready to change, Committed towards my work,Think positive about your self and organization,Self appreciation:-you should be happy with your work. trying out new ideas.
As far technical skills are considered ETL,DWH,MIS,SQL ETL and reporting Tools like MSBI,Informatica,Cognos,Data Stage,Sybase,Sql server,Green plump,DB2.
Couple of years from now
In couple of years I see myself as BI Architect.
My achievements
There not one achievements but many that I am proud off which have stoned as landmark in my career growth.I am happy with my Work/Task I have done till now.
Upcoming trends
Fast Processing of ETL and Faster retrieval of records from Data WareHouse.
Various company are working with tools towards this.
In MIS the reports/cubes output should be available to end user in optimal time which is utmost important.
My thought on education system in India
My take on education system in India is good but should be more of practical oriented then of theoretical,Syllabus should be revised at regular interval,more disciplined and should innovative thoughts.In India education is going expensive it should be made cheaper so that people can afford it. Reservation in education solely should be on BPL(Below Poverty Line) not caste,religion or class.Education loan rate of interest should be less that of other loan(home,personal,gold,car).
Initiative taken by professionals to develop a country
Its individual responsibility of one to uplift its family,society,city,state and country. As professionals we can donate some amount help Miskin(Arabic word : one who is in need)people. I would encourage them to educate childern from slums,poor,remote and backward class on weekend,holidays and evening or whenever possible.Education is the one which can tranform India and nothing else.
Influenced by
My idol for life is my beloved Prophet Mohammed(PBUH).My Father have influence me most but he is the who criticize me the most too because he wants best in me and best from me.My dad is working from past 40 years and he have not taken single as leave from his work.few line of my father which influence me the most "Be right,give your more than 100% and leave the rest to the god for result","When your are employee of company,work as its your company and your the boss.if you work considering it as your company you will give your best and would help you when you be leading your own company."
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