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Advice Request
Ranjith Murali
Ranjith Murali

Ranjith Murali




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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Coming from a middle class family, my father being a role model in accomplishing highest pinnacles of life a modest home maker who driven me in aiming high and a sibling provoking my thoughts all the time in not losing hope on what I do, am the most wealthiest person on earth with such relations.
Degrees that Matter
Credentials like CEH, CHFI, ECSA, LPT has provided a firm base for building up my carrier adding with administration in Microsoft / Redhat / Oracle Solaris / UNIX. Every credential I own have made me strive the best out of what I possess. I also recommend all my subordinates to be multi skilled.
Areas for the Future
Cyber security which embraces vide job tributary for instance where realm of world runs on internet. Every single aspirant who’s desires to pursue Cyber / Network security will hold a robust foundation for their carrier.
Points of inflection
Every modest entrepreneur has his/her inflection points. Perilous inflection points contemporary themselves in the course career. They archetypally occur in a transition move. Like all, my carrier too had few inflection points at the early stage of forming my company “ANT-WORKFORCE”
Required Reading
The best thing about books is that we can learn from the author's experience. What takes a person decade to learn has been put in an understandable way onto books. Thanks to great author for such wonderful gifts of learning that we can enrich and improve our lives. I recommend “Robin Sharma’s” books
Plans for the Future
Being optimistic life has embarked its own destiny for every one of us. I rather would be seeing myself as an entrepreneur leading a billion dollar company; it seems to be practically achievable when dedication and hard work couples up with what I believe so called smart working.
Most Important Decisions
Twist and turns are rigid part of life, Transforming yourself depends on the valuable decision we carry with our life. Pessimistic decision of forming my organization came in as optimistic turn of my life. Now I see it as a golden decision of life span.
Most Important Lessons
Life is biggest teacher for every single homosapian’s which teaches greatest of wisdom. There are 4 Things life has thought me and those which changed phase of my carrier –
- Never Give up on what you are doing
- Don’t expect anything in yield of your doings
- Wisdom is virtue
Role Model
I believe there is no other profession in the world that is more important to society than that of a teacher, golden words of Sir A.P.J Abdul Kalam. I strongly believe in these words as I take him as my ultimate role model. His words and the lead on his life make me his greatest of follower.
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