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Ask Ranjan Kumar Barick for Advice
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Advice Request
Ranjan Kumar Barick
Ranjan Kumar Barick

Ranjan Kumar Barick

Marketing Operation & Distribution


Brief description about me
I am Ranjan Kumar Barick. I have done post Graduate in Management and having Masters in Economics. I have commenced my career from Center For Monitoring Indian Economy(CMIE). In 2007 and after that I switched over to Media Sector. I have joined Amar Ujala National Daily in 2008.My Present role is to manage efficiently the Marketing Operation & Distribution. I am having a small team of three people and all dedicated towards minimizing the expenses and also smoothing of daily operation at high order level.
Challenges in job
Deadline to complete a particular task in stimulated time frame is the thing appeals me the most. I personally feel , if you always comes as a winner from a tight situation(with strict time frame) than you will gain a lot of confidence for other assignments. Your working ability significantly improves and you are more prepared to take up new responsibility .You will be able to handle pressure and that is what this competitive world is looking for .
Job made easy
I need to prepare my team for a competitive voyage to accomplish task at optimal level. we have created check points at every stage that actually contain error .Further we take finishing date  prior to the  actual deadline enable us to perform the task in best possible way with necessary improvements.
Upcoming Trends
In today’s world people are very busy and require more attention every time because of high distortion. Today media need to be more innovative on reader’s front rather than taking the traditional way. Newspaper need to be crunchy with different look everyday also the detail content are linked to FB(Community Sites) or related application for maintaining better connection  with informed readers. This actually helps to hold readers and attract advertisers. In addition to this user involvement is the key marketing tools.
My point of view
I am highly convinced on fact highlighted by you. I feel we have created quality education centers Like IIT’s & IIM’s but not able to nurture in a way that it should be. Proper Infrastructure along with strong support is utmost required to support their projects. Research is called the mother of Innovation but if can’t make it we always goes out of innovation .Hope u got the answer.
My goal
My short term goal is to excel on the assigned role and accomplishing on high optimal level.My long term goal is to become a corporate consultant for that I want to learn as much as I can.
family background
My father is a retired Govt. serviceman and Mother is house wife.My only brother is engineer by qualification and working with TCS in Bangalore.
Advice to professionals
My advice to new comers is that they should not be afraid of hard labour and they should try to get as much as knowledge they can. Remember that Industry always respect quality people fuelled with innovation.
Advice to students
Don’t Live in Procrastination  always be prepared for hard time .Life always not give what you have wished for. Pick up the opportunity rightly, have a faith sooner or later you will get that for sure.Life is always beyond the syllabus, you actually need to explore more and more.

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