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Advice Request
Ram Kishore Shukla
Ram Kishore Shukla

Ram Kishore Shukla


balak international.

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
True success is to fully satisfy the design of God in your life, and it starts in your heart. Harry Truman is considered one of the great US presidents not because of his eloquence or economic achievement. He went bankrupt before serving as president and survived after the presidency only by selling the family farm. But his success was in making the big decisions, based on the character, honor and virtue of his heart.
Degree that I recommend
Your talent can take you where your character cannot sustain you. Character is determined by faithfulness. Faithful to your word, to your beliefs, to your responsibilities. Our world and today’s headlines are filled with stories of great men gone bad. Men can flaunt talent, but character is built in the deep recesses of your life. Committed to truth, honor, valor. Without a strong core, talented men become a flashing meteor of history that appears spectacular but quickly flames out. Fame can come in a moment but greatness comes with longevity. What you do in life becomes history, what you put into motion becomes your legacy.
Important lesson learned
A good soldier does not inspire fear;
A good fighter does not display aggression;
A good conqueror does not engage in battle;
A good leader does not exercise authority.
This is the value of unimportance;
This is how to win the cooperation of others;
This to how to build the same harmony that is in nature.’
My achievements
Since we have the power to choose our experience, we also need to accept responsibility for this. Perhaps not that everything that comes our way is a direct result of our own thinking (though some might say it is) but what we attract into our life is, largely, a reflection of our thinking. Much of this occurs on a subconscious level, but the subconscious takes its lead from the thinking mind, so changing our thoughts will change our world, and we are responsible for this.
Our behavior is a natural outcome of our mental images, and so we are responsible for our behavior too, and also for the behavior we tolerate in others. If we allow others to ride roughshod over us, then we have ourselves to blame.
Important decision
lead to success in all areas of life. They are not a quick fix, but are the foundation of a life lived.
My family background
My wife and 5 daughters, all daughters are married. one is principal and running own school,rest as house wife,but all are post graduate.
Influenced by
I have different nature. want to make GURU, but not found still.
More about myself
I have come to the conclusion that learning is the fundamental activity in a successful and purposeful life. If we fail to learn, we fail to grow, and this means that we die. Life gives us endless opportunities to learn, and the more difficult the situation, the more we are likely to learn.
We can learn from other people, especially difficult ones – they are like angels sent from heaven to teach us about ourselves. We can learn from the things happening around us. And most of all, we can learn by watching ourselves, seeing how we react and reflecting deeply on what moves us.
Ensuring success
Being a religious mind, I am doing nothing.All worked done by me, are instructed by almighty GOD.
Couple of years from now
Dream is positive,but cant know about future.
Initiative to develop a country
Don’t fear other people. They are as vulnerable and as beautiful as you are – only sometimes they lash out in various ways to protect themselves. Everyone is doing their best, so be gentle on other people and don’t be scared of them. When you face your fears, they will vanish like smoke.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I think our education system based on theoretical. so not good to make a perfect person,practical study must.
My role model
"CHANKYA" don't blow against the wind,,HAWA KE SATH_SATH, GHTA KE SUNG, WO SATHI CHAL..1st read then copy and paste. this is" KALIYOUG" means the era of work.
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