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Advice Request
Raju Chakraborty
Raju Chakraborty

Raju Chakraborty

Content Lead


Couple of years from now
Hmmm..tricky..going through a bad patch..quite possibly down the line two years I'll be doing something on my own! Fingers crossed!
My thought on education system in India
Education system is being suggestive rather than being descriptive that it used to be in earlier times. Current education system is making people fit enough to earn one's living but somehow seems to be decreasing the knowledge bank of a person. Life is just not ONLY about earning one's living!!
More about myself
To cope up with conflicts. Personally I feel, that if this conflict is a result of the friction of ideas to achieve a common business goal, it is healthy and welcomed. But this should not transcend to our intra-personal professional liaisons and create a state of incongruity.
Upcoming trends
I am currently watching a few technologies and expecting those be really demanding in near future..HTML5 (and Web Apps), Ruby on Rails for it's robust security and Agile Methodology!
Handling risky decision
I am a risky person anyway! I love taking risks. I left my hometown, Kolkata and reached Delhi in search of a career without knowing even I'll ever succeed..It's now 13 years and I am here with a family depending on me! I believe taking risk, is a good way to self assess yourself!
Qualities require to be successful
Hard work, Hard Work, Hard Work. Fix a target and go after it. Don't forget to plan properly before you jump in. Be thoughtful, creative in nature and open to learn anything that comes your way. Nothing is unbelievable for a person willing to learn and work hard.
Important decision taken
I am not at all a careerist. But yes, I used to be a Commerce student but after graduation switching to IT (eCommerce) was a good move for me.
Avoiding mistake and connecting right dots
Well people say I am a "Directive" person as a leader. I love implementing my own idea but to make sure I don't fail I always follow a few things:
1. A collaborative approach to know best possible solutions to a problem.
2. Choose the balance option and implement that.
3. Always be ready with a substitute plan.
4. Closely monitor the progress..In TIME!
Influenced by
It's my father..he's no more..but his simple theories..hard work, loyalty, honesty, truthfulness..always make a winner at the end! Most of the times it takes a long time than usual to get the intended result but's me who make the last laugh!
My achievements
I am a self made man. Whatever I have done or achieved is the hard work of my own. I am staying away from my Hometown, earning the living for me and my family gives me immense pleasure.
My advice to professionals
Be a team player. Keep your team Happy and bet you'll be through every crisis. And yes, don't forget your root - where you came from - EVER!
Initiative taken by professionals to develop a country
Take some time out to think of others. I know we are busy, have dozens of problems to deal with everyday but if we cool ourselves off a bit and be a bit sensible and have a broader view (me->family->society->...). I know tough but someone had a good solution to it. Everyday do something that you like the least for an could be writing letters, listening to music or anything!
Concept of Analyst
A few thing..what are you doing..for whom are you doing..what's end result expected!! You'll do everything correctly (hopefully)!!
Current Job Description
I am currently working as a "Content Lead" for my organization, a Mobile App (and ePublishing) Company. It's my primary role to make sure "Content" is as per design, theme, satisfying the end user with their expectation and quality. My secondary role (as per my designation) is as a "Operations Manager" is to make sure day to day operations are properly executed.
My Strongest Skill
Understanding the value of "Content". It's content that makes a thing valuable and if that's not represented correctly the ultimate goal can't be achieved. This understanding is backed up by my technical know how and long 12 years of experience in this field.
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