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Advice Request
Rajiv Negandhi
Rajiv Negandhi

Rajiv Negandhi

CFO & Company Secretary

JSW Severfield Structures, Mumbai


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Rajiv Negandhi's Advice

Take decisions that you think is right

I go by gut feeling and take decisions which I believe is right under the given circumstances. One has to take risks to get rewards. Being too conservative may result in loss of opportunities. I follow ethical business practices, no matter whatever the pressure might be. I am honest, transparent and straightforward in all dealings and business practices within the organization and with the external vendors and customers.
Keys to Effective Leadership
Effective Leadership is having a vision and defining a mission. Also communicating organization’s objectives and goals at all levels of management and motivating, mentoring and guiding the team to achieve the said goals. Individual Leadership is not only reflected on sub-ordinates but also with peers, other stakeholders, vendors, clients all believing in you to lead the organization successfully – since their growth also depends on growth of the organization you are leading.
Thoughts on Consistent Leadership Performance
Consistent leadership performance means taking the organization to the next level of growth consistently by defining strategies in line with changing business environment to achieve company’s objectives on a consistent basis. The leader has to lead from the front and take tough decisions and take risks to realize the vision of the organization.
Tools to Motivate Yourself and Others
I get motivated by a sense of satisfaction for making direct contribution to the organization to take it forward to the growth path and delivering a desired level of output monitoring on a daily basis. Since I have already thought of the tasks to be done to achieve long term objective - I set a deadline for myself which is measurable and deliverable in a time frame ranging from say an hour to few days depending on the task to be done. It motivates me as soon as that gets completed. I keep my troops motivated by appreciating and acknowledging their efforts, even if it’s a small achievement e.g. Achieving production targets, collections, Sales targets or developing an MIS Report, which will very useful for monitoring and controlling operational performance? I give guidance and strategic direction to the team for time to time and reward the employees who are performing outstanding at the time of their annual appraisals.
Gist of Your Leadership Role Over the Years
I had started my career at middle management and since worked in service and manufacturing industries including MNCs at different levels. I have 3years of international exposure, where in my capacity as Head Finance, was also responsible to oversee entire international business operations and had played key leadership role in mentoring the local talent to bring in efficiency and growth. It also involved dealing with different cultural groups and function heads of Production, Sales, Maintenance, HR etc. In my current role as CFO, I had started working on a Greenfield project and was instrumental in negotiating Joint Venture with UK. Company . Since then in last 3.5 years, we are now an operating company with 400+ employees and about Rs. 150 Cr-ores turnover in first full year of operations. There have been several challenges that demanded taking key decisions to take the business forward. It has not always been taking right decisions, but once a decision is taken, I take ownership and am responsible for its outcome.
Strategy to Avoid Mistakes as A Leader
I go by gut feeling and take decisions which I believe is right under the given circumstances. One has to take risks to get rewards. Being too conservative may result in loss of opportunities. I follow ethical business practices, no matter whatever the pressure might be. I am honest, transparent and straightforward in all dealings and business practices within the organization and with the external vendors and customers.
Role Model
I get inspired by first generation entrepreneurs like N R Narayana Murthy to set up globally respectable organization like Infosys. It requires great vision and leadership skills to set up such a great successful. organization from scratch.
Lessons Learnt on the Way
To be successful needs dedication and consistent efforts. One has to work hard and prove one’s mettle to grow in a professional career.
Achievement You Pride Yourself
To participate in setting up Greenfield organization and work as business partner to our Board and stakeholders in my current role as CFO. This gives me immense satisfaction and sense of achievement that today after 3.5 years; we are an operating company and have established our market presence with 400+employees and about Rs. 150 Cores turnover in first year of operations.
Foresight of Yourself and Your Company
I see myself playing a Key Role in enhancing the capacities, bring inefficiencies and increase its market share to make my Company a market leader in our industry and be the first choice by any developer in India as a preferred construction contractor. We would like to grow to Rs. 1000+ Cores plus organization in next 3years.
Macroeconomic Variables that You Look Out for
Indian GDP Growth particularly infrastructure and real estate, Inflation and RBI monetary policies: All these have significant impact on any organization.
Fostering Innovation
Visualize what is required by the client/market/industry - example to follow is Steve Jobs - become passionate about bringing that change - research and development - set timelines and come in the market with that innovation successfully. Be dynamic and change according to market expectations and customer preferences.
Attaining Success through Adversity
Keep on reviewing periodically qualitative and quantitative measurements -and than finding opportunities within the adversities -definitely having knowledge and understanding really makes you see what others cannot.
Desire to Change the Past
I would really have changed my own reactions to certain situations which later on I realized that I should have behaved differently at certain points of my life.
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