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Advice Request
Brian Manning
Brian Manning

Brian Manning

President & MD

CSC India


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Brian Manning's Advice

Leadership & Management

Leadership and Management are two diverse terms. “All managers perceived as leaders, they often are not”  Both are mandatory for the good health success of the organization. Leadership is the driving force of any organization.In the era of global village, prerequisite of Global leader may catapult the success trajectory of the organization or lack of it can be consequential. At CSC, one of our prime focus areas is Leadership Development. Our Talent Management Initiatives equip our managers to play a competitive role in order to drive a high performance culture. We encourage an atmosphere of continuous learning, guided by ongoing development discussions that explore employee aspirations.
Keys to Effective Leadership

leadership is inspiring people to commit to personal development and
growth aligned with goals of the organization. The key ingredients are:

·        Astute personal and business vision

·        Unmatched success, credibility and experience in the relevant field of business (this does not mean that they have not failed, it means they have demonstrated how to recover)

·        Being a good listener

·        Respect professionals for what they are and not have preconceived notions about them

·        Having the ability to make the right decision at the right time
Tools to Motivate Yourself and Others

I am motivated by our customer’s success.

go by ensuring what works best for the enterprise and I believe this
works best for the employees also. My view is that each person brings
with him or her certain expertise, that is why they are hired in the
first place, and professionals should be allowed to function in
their natural style to the benefit of the enterprise. Having said that, they should be provided with purpose, direction and autonomy which is where leadership step in.

Gist of Your Leadership Role Over the Years
I have spent a significant amount of time coaching teams to understand
the client’s and organizations point of view, but in recent years I find I
am spending more time mentoring individuals than I did earlier in my
Strategy to Avoid Mistakes as A Leader
not so much about connecting the right dots, so to say, but
understanding and prioritizing the dots in a way that yields what you are
aiming for. In the process, mistakes are inevitable but it is resilience,strength, ability that make an effective leader.
Lessons Learnt on the Way
To approach
every task with confidence, you don’t know how to do everything ahead of
you, but you must be confident you will find a way.
Achievement You Pride Yourself
Parenthood, my two children and how they are leaders.
Foresight of Yourself and Your Company
I see
CSC establishing itself as the premier global business solutions company.
While we delivery and support large technology implementations, our
focus is on business solutions that make our customers successful.
Macroeconomic Variables that You Look Out for
Debt.  At all levels debt constrains our choices as we go forward.
Fostering Innovation

Encouraging rapid
failure as an ongoing process. There is tremendous pressure on
the organizations to continuously innovate as they strive to stay
globally competent, however it is only few who turn the innovation into
work place reality because they allow their employees to learn from

 At CSC, we have Leading Edge Forum (LEF), a forum where bright minds across the organization interchange ideas and  come
up new visions of the future. We have tools like C3 (jive based social
platform) that create diverse teams and encourage people to communicate.
It helps employee broaden their perspectives – a key requirement for
innovation. We believe that innovation does not follow a thumb rule and
does not fit into fixed templates. To this underlying fact we
consistently aim to bring in the culture of innovation which is organic
and creative act. We encourage people to break their silos and
communicate freely.

Attaining Success through Adversity
Businesses are operating in a close knit global market place, which is
extremely dynamic and competitive in nature. The playing field is broader
and harder to navigate and the stakes are much higher.Equally important
is the increasing imperativeness of organizations to being sustainable
and operating responsibly. This reality is challenging. And challenges
are the term that I prefer over adversity. But then, leading in a global
marketplace is no mean feat! Leadership is the driving force of any
organization. In the era of global village, leadership skills may
catapult the success trajectory of the organization or lack of it can be
consequential. Using the diversity to produce and attain long term goals,
strategically incorporating both organization’s vision of goals and
success of employees and be able to navigate through uncertainty and
complexity is what CSC is made up of.  On this foundation,we rest our
Desire to Change the Past
A stronger focus on my personal work/life balance, especially in terms of physical health and learning beyond technology and business.
Suggestions on Leadership
Leadership and Management are two diverse terms. “All managers perceived as leaders, they often are not”  Both
are mandatory for the good health success of the organization.
Leadership is the driving force of any organization.In the era of global
village, prerequisite of Global leader may catapult the success
trajectory of the organization or lack of it can be consequential.
At CSC, one of our prime focus areas is Leadership Development. Our
Talent Management Initiatives equip our managers to play a competitive
role in order to drive a high performance culture. We encourage an
atmosphere of continuous learning, guided by ongoing development
discussions that explore employee aspirations.
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