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Advice Request
Rajesh Prasad Sinha
Rajesh Prasad Sinha

Rajesh Prasad Sinha

Senior Manager

D Link India Limited


Rajesh Prasad Sinha is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
A small family of four, wife being a Science teacher at D.A.V.School,One daughter at Std 8 and one son at Std 1.
Plans For The Future:
Zonal or National Sales Manager with IT Solution sales organization.
Required Reading:
Books: 1.Power Shift by Alvin Tofler 2.Jonathan Livingstone Seagul-by Richard Bach
Advice For New Professionals:
Learn the technology available currently and switch to real world product understanding as fast as possible against what you learnt in theory during your studies.Few skills must be upgraded like negotiation skill,listening skill,Magic of relationship and over and above Time management skill.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Previously strategy was designed first and resources were made available to complete the mission and now first target is set and it is told first you complete it then resources shall be made available.In the previous case result was real and natural outcome however in the later it is opposite.
Degrees That Matter:
1.MBA- Marketing and Sales
Done Differently:
Sales being partner driven end user directed, would have mapped all major account/customers and the partner properly so that SP of SPANCO could have been eliminated for saving the time and increasing the conversion rate.
Career Profile:
1.Key Account Management
2.National and Regional Distributor Management
3.Partners ( Dealers, System Integrator and National SI Management.
4.Brand,Product and Branch Promotion.
5.Ultimately all leading to SALES GROWTH across various verticals and territory.
Job Profile:
1.Key Account Management
2.National and Regional Distributor Management
3.Partners ( Dealers, System Integrator and National SI Management.
4.Brand,Product and Branch Promotion.
5.Ultimately all leading to SALES GROWTH across various verticals and territory.
The Decisions That Matter
IT solution comprises Servers/Desktops/Laptops/Power/Network & Communication/Software/Datacenter Solutions(power & Cooling).I took the exposure for the same during progress from own business-Wipro/Acer,Zenith/IBM,Microsft,Emerson,Digilink,Digisol and Schneider and now a complete solution provider.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
1.First major order of 200 Zenith desktops from IIT Kharagpur.
2.1000+ Zenith Desktops SBI Bhubaneswar.
3.Winning Award for MS Office 2007 selling Nationally by Microsoft.
4.Order of BELTRON of 200 lac for Emerson UPS.
5.Getting TATA STEEL rate contract for Networking prodcuts from Schneider
Other Thoughts:
Listening and communication is the skill that one must develop to become successful in any walk of life.
Working Life Management:
I fix up my day for professional assignments, complete it by 6-7 PM and then it is my home and my family.
Role Model:
One and only One-Mr.Raj Kumar Saraf-MD & Chairman, Zenith Computers Limited, who never told you MUST do that.Rather he always told YOU DO THIS WAY and you will get the result.In Zenith our WAY of WORKING & PLAN dictated TARGET in contrast to other situations where TARGET dictated PLAN.
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