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Advice Request
Rajasri Ragunathan
Rajasri Ragunathan

Rajasri Ragunathan



Working Life Management:
* I Enjoy my presence in office as i enjoy and doing everything and i have a good relations with my Colleagues ; I Will finish all my tasks at Time and when i am with my family i will spend them with sharing it was always balanced
Role Model:
Swami Vivekananda for his Evergreen thought "Arise, Awake and stop not till the Goal is Reached.
Also i have so many Role models in my Day to Day life; if i saw a Daily Labor who works not for a name sake but dedicatively even he will be in my Role model list.
The Decisions That Matter
* Am very clear whatever job am assigned i should be Dedicative and should have a Team Spirit.
* Should concentrate on Software Development along Business Development.
The Journey So Far:
* During my Final year i have been Placed in Infosys and in the time of getting before appointment i have joined CEO INFOTECH as Executive in Business Development to acquire knowledge in Business Development
Growth Strategy:
* Am Concentrating on my today's work but i have more concern on hown it going to reap my future and also updating myself with the new technologies that i can use for my organisation Development.
Plans For The Future:
* To the Great path of Success i have reached my Dream Position with flying Colours.
Contribution to the field
Here i have the total responsible of contacting clients and should bring Business out of them also if they have any issues i have to solve them. Have to do More Proposals to develop the Business.
Career Profile:
* Currently am Dealing in Business Development but future i will shift to Software Development(to the company i got place)
Done Differently:
I prefer to think and act different from others but at the same time it should not affect my career growth also i want to think from my Clients View
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