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Advice Request
Rajan Vij
Rajan Vij

Rajan Vij

Deputy Manager at Jindal Info Systems


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Choosing between money and job satisfaction
For any resource, any day Job satisfaction is more important. I do not believe if any resource says Money is the satisfaction factor, money is to keep your family satisfied and not job work you do. Same for me Job satisfaction is more important!!
My rewards
Fulfilling needs of my organisation and my family. I hope this describes all.
Area of specialization
Embedded Multicore Processing : Since Multicore processors are increasingly being used in embedded systems. Need would make them an area which will matter the most in future.
My journey
It has been quite a pleasant as of now. But yes it is very demanding, why won't it be ? If you look the business from birds eye view, it is almost a hawker competing with another hawker (difference is our corporate world wear formal).
My role
I am working as competency Lead involved in shaping up the best practices to be utilized in the organisation.
Upcoming Language with embedded systems
Oracle is trying there best to be the best in Embedded world. There are emphasizing more on core internals of the systems. I would vote for Java and Delphi.
Couple of year from now
Sitting on a arm chair reading my success story :-).
My advice
Never stop learning and never set up an end point for yourself or else you will be thrown out. Days are not far when you would see 10-12+ yrs experienced resources required to be technically efficient.
My role model
I have many, but I would like to talk about my father. He is a real role model for me, I have learnt a lot from him. The best thing I have inherited from him in the confidence to stand against any situation, and this really boosts my confidence. Thanks Papa!!
Scope of embedded systems
There are going stay forever, demands of the customers are never ending. You could fit embedded system anywhere. Several big organisation have out sourced there work to small embedded vendors in the market, the need is still alive.
Books recommended
Your old books never die!! They actually take your to the depth and help you attain the very basics.

I like "howstuffworks".
My prospective on India technological development
Fund required to produce a new product is very high, actually the R&D part takes too much. In most of the developed countries, government provides fund for this and production is done by the manufacturers. I believe is government is ready to provide capital for R&D most the talent will be utilized.
Degree recommended
Yes there are many certifications provided in the field of embedded systems, in India IIT used to do 2 months program on this(don't are they presently doing this or not). You may also try to gain these from foreign universities(they are bit expensive though)
My family background
We are a joint family and happily living in New Delhi. I have a adorable 1 yr old boy and I am married to a dental surgeon.
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