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Rajan Dutta
Rajan Dutta

Rajan Dutta

President - Corporate HR

Reliance Communications


Rajan Dutta is a member of:

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Today trends seen in HR

The enormous growth opportunities unraveled by emerging markets and innovation have led to more & more complexities in employee concerns which need to be resolved

Globalization has changed the structure and format of Business operations; this is a major challenge for HR to align itself to this transformation

High attrition of top executives and a dearth of good talent outside is making it very essential to plan and build a robust succession group

Advancements in mobile & communication technology has led to trends such as flexible work timing and flexible work location, aiming to enhance workplace productivity

Relationship of HR with the CEOs
The relationship between HR and CEO is very unique and important. This is proven by the fact that some CEOs spend as much as 40% of their time with HR, involving them in most decisions they take pertaining to running the Business. It is very essential for HR to gain the trust of CEO as an honest advisor. The HR can demonstrate his trustworthiness by building and institutionalizing processes and policies that are aligned to the organizational vision and mission. The HR & CEO can unitedly accomplish organizational objectives by preparing a clear strategy to hire, develop and engage good talent. They can both collectively contribute significantly in gaining a competitive advantage by properly grooming their employees.

Motivating Employees with Rewards
We have the best of the practices of the industry in RCom for rewarding the distinguished performers. They are categorized into monetary and non-monetary. Monetary rewards include Employee Stock Options, Performance & Retention Bonuses, Gift Vouchers, etc. Under non-monetary we have Trophies, Medals, Commendation / Appreciation Letters and such.

Some of the leadership development programs being held & results obtained
Leadership development is a constant endeavor for us and our annual training calendar has leadership training programs spanning the entire year. A key program that we roll out every year is the Strategic Leadership Development Program. This rigorous training is conducted in collaboration with the country’s premier Business Schools and is imparted to the potential leaders of the organization. The program is aimed at creating a pool of leadership and forms a part of our succession planning efforts. The results obtained from this program are very positive and encouraging as demonstrated by the participants in the project assignments taken up by them post their training. There is a phenomenal improvement in skills pertaining to both the business growth as well as people management such as delivering customer value, networking, conflict management etc.

Identifying Leaders promoting them to the next level
For identifying and promoting leaders, we look at leadership competencies that are core to our business, role fitment, past performance, personal credibility and future strategy orientation.

At RCom, we promote the leaders by imparting them full-fledged formal training programs spanning several weeks provided by leaders from academia and industry. The training is aimed at augmenting certain specific competencies enumerated below:

Business & Customer

Strategic Thinking

Business Leadership

People & Relationships

Developing Teams


Managing Change

After completing the training, the participants are made to execute several projects to further sharpen these competencies before they assume higher responsibility positions.
Attrition Management: Retaining vs. fresh hiring
We believe in maintaining a good balance between retaining and fresh hiring keeping in view our business requirements. While we know retention helps in nurturing our culture, capitalizing on legacies and shielding ourselves from loosing talent to competition, there are situations when fresh hiring is the way to go. New hiring infuses fresh blood in the organization, brings new thought process & approach, helps the teams get a new perspective which only an outsider may provide.
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