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Advice Request
Rahul Dasgupta
Rahul Dasgupta

Rahul Dasgupta

Recruitment/Geo Hr

ITC Infotech India Limited


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Qualities looked during recruiting people
I look at the attitude of a person primarily. Though in todays hiring scenario , we are bound by years of experience , expertise in a specific technology , educational qualification as the qualifying criteria, i always try to find out the learning inclination, attitude , career goal and also the family background of the person being interviewed.
My family background
My father was a central government employee and mother a primary school teacher. My father worked in Eastern Railways and retired a s a Works Manager.
My advice to upcoming leaders
Honesty to your life , work and goals would take you to the highest ranks in the corporate ladder. A honest effort has no alternative. Being savy with the upcoming trends and knowledge about your subject supplements your efforts.
Current Job Profile
Currently I manage the HR Operations of the Nordic Countries and based in Denmark. I take care of all HR functions for this region.
Upcoming Trends in Recruiting
I strongly feel very soon right skill and attitude will be given more importance than years of experience and qualification . High skilled people will demand a premium getting the right talent will become more and more difficult. The large Companies will be able to manage with hiring average and low skilled people for some more time due to their large scale of operations and mix of people. The small and medium sized companies will find it extremely difficult to attract the right talent at the right cost.
Recruitment Approches
With the advent of social media in the last few years, Linkedin with its recruiting solutions has benefitted in locating the right talents and passive job seekers. Recruitment is a relatively large area of operation and sourcingthe right talent has always been the back bone of the function. Various traditional sources has been job portals, employee referral, forced applications, manpower consultants, direct applicants , in house sourcing teams etc engaging various sourcing strategies from large walk ins, camping in various cities, road shows, advertisements through various channels, campaigns etc. Any company engages one or all of these sources or strategies. With the demand surpassing the right supply over the years, it is always a war for the right talent and companies rarely miss out any opportunity to try to engage the best strategies to attract the right talent.With most of the sources being the same , the right HR person engaging with the candidate is very important .
Thoughts on India education system
In my opinion from what I have observed during the Campus interviews in various Engineering Colleges in India , its time we have a uniform syllabus in the same Engineering Stream across colleges. While some of the top ranked Engineering colleges has some of the best brains but not the best syllabus in accordance with the need of the industry, some of the private engineering colleges have the best aligned syllabus to make their students more ready for the industry. Qualifications have more and more become the qualifying criteria for job interviews and not the right knowledge. Its time that the education system is reviewed and aligned with the need of the industry .
Initiative taken by Professionals to develop a country
India as a country probably has one of the highest potential to be the most developed country in the world. It has a right mix of culture, acumen, people , education and drive to be a developed country. What professionals can do is to show direction to the young graduates when they come out of colleges or even before they graduate through guest lectures, industry relation programs etc. They should be able to guide the future of India on what are the upcoming trends, what should be their career choices. The biggest asset of India is its people and the right direction to them will make India not only a developed country but one of the most developed countries in the world. Corruption has always been a topic of discussion hindering development but one of the root cause is people who should know the abundance of opportunities available in the country and rise beyond corruption. In worlds largest democracy, if people realize the potential in them and the country development is imminent
Importance of E-Recruitment process
E Recruiting is already widely used and have been effective in filtering out the right candidates and speedy processing. E Recruiting is most effective in database building, duplication checks, setting filtering criteria, and faster status updates. Various recruitment softwares have enhanced the functionalities and effectiveness further.Organisations will benefit from it when they have large hiring targets within short timeframes.
Attracting good people
Retaining the good people in my opinion has a lot to do with making their work environment better. Establishing a connect with individuals and make them feel comfortable with the work environment proves to be more effective than the more traditional ways of increasing salary or giving promotions. Attracting the right candidate has various facets starting from how the company is positioned in the eyes of a job seeker, the recruitment strategies , processes engaged, right channels of sourcing,compensation, role etc but as mentioned earlier the right HR people engaging with the candidate can do wonders in this area. A good performance appraisal system will help in identifying the right talents and advancing the best for the job. Appraisal Systems have their own limitations but compilation of interim feedbacks during annual appraisal may help reducing any perceived bias in the process.
Important point in Recruitment process
Most Important is to understand the requirement. Recruiting the right talent is not always the recruiters job but the best fit talent is often recruited when the Hiring Manager takes equal responsibility and has the right understanding of what he/ she is looking for.
My achievements
I am quite happy with how my career has shaped up till now . My company has provided me opportunities to grow and I have been fortunate to have seniors who had given me food advises . I am quite proud of the growth curve I have gone through till now, the recognitions that I have received.
Challenges in recruitment process
"Inflation" ... In common man s word is " too much money chasing too little goods and thus prices hiked up" . Same is the scenario in attracting the right talent in today s recruiting scenario. Secondly, with frequent up gradation of technology and skills , specialists are becoming more and more scarce and the demand rising more than ever for them . Getting the right mix is always a challenge.
Uniqueness of recruitment process
Most unique thing about recruitment is that though its a HR function, its very operational in nature and throws up challenges every day. In a fast changing scenario, the pressure built around it is also unique. Dependency on the function is high as a wrong hire can be very fatal for the organization and in service organization, the function directly contributes to the revenue.
In House recruitment process
In House Recruitment Process is aligned to the business needs and the in house recruiters are more aligned to find the right candidates, which not only helps engaging the right people but impacts the bottom line of the company. The understanding of the need is more accurate due to the proximity to the hiring managers and awareness of the company goals and objectives and with a set of driven recruiters help in getting the best results.
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