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Advice Request
Raghubar Jha
Raghubar Jha

Raghubar Jha


Fast Track HR Solutions Pvt Ltd


Raghubar Jha is a member of:

Family Background
I am from a lower middle class family, my father is a Primary school teacher, and mother is a home maker, I am the eldest of their three children.
Contribution to the field
My company deals in to outsourcing business. I as a director of this this company always prefer to hire young guns. We have a complete team of highly qualified professionals. and they are my assets, they also feel like home while working here. and i like these feelings of my colleagues the most.
Role in an organization
I am one of the founder of this business, and i am taking care of Business Development and HR Operations worldwide.
Suggestions to aspirants
I would like to suggest them that value the time, never forget that time is precious. Instead of forcing clients just create the needs of your product to that clients. clients themselves will followup for your products.
Brief yourself
I am a 27 Years Old Businessman. I believe in character, Value, Vision and an action. I am a person with strong interpersonal skill and an ability to get well with people. I am very quick in learning. Instead of roping problems i love to find out the creative solutions of the problem.
Branding is important for every industry...whether its small or big. Yes it is difficult create your self or your company as a brand, which is possible only if you can create a need of you services or product in market.
Recommended Courses and Certification
They can go for some short term career oriented certification, such like knowing of difference between sales and marketing. to have a knowledge of Modern marketing. Time management. Customer Focus and etc
Importance of Marketing
As marketing person, my role is very important in my company, as i have to handle my old clients as well i need to promote my company for new businesses. I always feel like a backbone of this company. and its not about me only i feel my entire department is the backbone of my company.
Importance of 4ps
The 4Ps of Marketing, Product, price, place and promotion. On basis of this you can fix your market and this very important for any company. Like as i said earlier now the marketing funda is been changed. You have to create the need of your product. And for creating the need the 4ps is important
See, Being a marketing person i always have to think about company's growth first by retaining old clients and getting new new businesses. And if the company is growing then its quite obvious that people who are associated with company will grow.
Our vision is to satisfy our customers, and being a head i always teach this to my colleagues. After that i provide them good training by word's best trainer, so that they will be motivated. I always treat them like my family and in family if some is low then we pamper him/her to boost.
It fine to read book, newspaper or websites for getting idea, but there aren't any recommended books /news paper/ web for marketing. you only can get ideas/ news later or company's status from it.
Importance of On line marketing
Now a days people are much tech. savvy, for any thing they first make web search..hence online marketing/ promotion is very important part of businesses now.
In general we use ‘marketing’ and ‘selling’ as synonyms but there is a substantial difference between both the concepts. Sales is the action part of marketing. or you can say marketing is pre production action and sales is post production.
Positioning the product
My business is not based on products, we are services provider company. But for fixing you products in market you have create the need of that products.
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