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Advice Request
Prashanth Tapse
Prashanth Tapse

Prashanth Tapse

Associate Vice President (Research)

Mehta Equities Ltd

Couple of years from now
Ultimate goal would be managing multi-billion dollars of investable corpus and outperform benchmarks on a sustainable basis.
Handling risky decision
I still remember those hamming days when I took the risky decision of making professional career in Indian Stock Market in late 2004. For me it was like jumping in an ocean without knowing how to swim? It was riskiest call for me because no one in & around my family or friends were related to stock market but still the zeal of making career in Indian stock market kept me on track to achieve the set goal in life.

Why I took this decision was very simple saying “Money is the sixth sense that makes it possible to enjoy the other five”.

How did you handle it? Higher education helped me to handle the case. After completion of my post graduation in management, I learnt it professionally by identifying the required qualities for building my professional career.
My advice to professionals
 Must have Vision & Mission in Professional & Personal life.
 Be life long learner
 Be a great decision maker
 Be good Communicator
 Be Passionate
 Be Patience and Tolerance
 Be Ethical
Avoiding mistake and connecting right dots
I as a professional deal everything on the basis of experience of historic mistakes because making mistakes is an inevitable part of life. What I do is understand the mistakes and rectify them as soon as possible to reduce the chances of making mistakes again in future. Most people don’t understand this simple thing and keep making the same mistakes again and again for life.

Measure for avoiding mistakes: Believe in Others Opinion and learning from history mistakes.
More about myself
Influenced by
Many people have influenced me in every stage of my life, starting with My DAD, from whom I learn professional ethics, honesty rewards and hard work. Secondly Friends who helped me in identifying my qualities to be a leader in early days of college life. Finally it was leading professionals in the field of stock market like Mr Rakeshh Mehta, Mr Motilal Oswal, Jhunjhunwala and many others.

Why? Because it was all about there Ethics, Professionalism which they have followed in the building there career, which influenced me to follow there path.
Qualities require to be successful
According to me to be a successful Analyst one has to work on basic logics, gain knowledge on basic of demand and supply theory, understanding business economics, basis knowledge of financial statements, interpretation of available data and analyzing the history performance and predicting futuristic expectations.

Advising for investment is not a rocket science, if it was, then most university finance professors would be billionaires (which is not the case in reality).
My Strongest Skill
 Problem-solving skills
 Leadership skills
 Team player
 Reliable
 The ability to multitask
Important decision taken
Opting capital market as a career option.
Upcoming trends
We are experiencing lot of changes in technology changes in terms of software’s which are used fro trading purposes, clients updates thru SMS, Email updates, high-tech techniques for trading strategies. The change brings more efficiency in human beings as mistakes are moreover reduced. From my career point of view the high tech fundamental & technical software helps me in accumulating more and more data used to analyze trends and reduces time and increases gaining probabilities.

Technology has added 2 more hands and one additional mind to support generating new ideas.
Concept of Analyst
From my perspective there are four things analysts need to be successful: intelligence, Pro-thinking, a reasonable amount of logical thinking, and to use their time effectively. On financial side one has to have strong capabilities in financial modeling and Valuation (DCF, relative valuation, comparable company analysis) with good analytical and written communications skills.
Current Job Description
My current job profile is all about generating investment ideas to my clients both retail as well as institutional. Ideas are based on strong analytic rigor and quantitative methods using fundamental logics and technical strategies. Key role would be business development and enhancement in terms of equity research.
My achievements
My greatest achievement so far in my career would probably be winning the Best employee of the Year. Before this It was winning College elections and realizing my leadership skills.
My thought on education system in India
As per my knowledge Indian Education system has improved a lot when compare in last 1 decade. Indian people stand one among the top 5 countries in the world. Education system in India is failing because of more intrinsic reasons. There are systemic faults that do not let our demand for good education translate into a great marketplace with excellent education services. For example Give a man a fish and you feed him one day, teach him how to catch fishes and you feed him for a lifetime.” I believe that if we teach a man a skill, you enable him for a lifetime.

 Focus on skill based education.
 Teaching should be linked with Practical experience.
Initiative taken by professionals to develop a country
Professional community can make a big difference in making India as developed country. Being professional means being dedicated to your professional development both for the country and yourself and for those people who are affected by your work. It is about being trustworthy, reliable and committed.

Big difference can come in terms of Regulating Government policies professionally and liberalize financial markets.
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