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Advice Request
Prasenjit Roy
Prasenjit Roy

Prasenjit Roy

Head Of Operation

Aquariuss Animations Pvt. Ltd.

Current job profile
Currently I’m working as a Head Of Operation at Aquariuss Animations Pvt. Ltd.  Bangalore (INDIA)

We have 3 Divisions

1.     Vadivel Knowledge Foundation – Providing animation training in various schools for the budding kids from 4th to 9th standard & making them ready to choose animation as a future career option.

 2.     Aquariuss aims – We are running an animation academy as a partner of Reliance Aims and offer various short term, diploma and graduation programmes on animation, all approved and certified by Lovely Professional University, creating ready to work professionals for the animation companies.

 3.     Aquariuss Animations Studio – We have launched our 3D animation and visual effects studio which is in its starting stage with a highly capable and talented team.

I’m currently taking care of overall planning and development of the above mentioned companies under the brand AQUARIUSS.
Leadership qualities
Analyzing skill, listening skill, observation and a huge passion, the main task is just to understand the issue or a problem and divert it to the correct team, a leader is a person who works like a safety valve, and he takes the initial pressure and shares it to his team. As I lead the team and team mates followed my idea, if there is any failure coming to us then ultimately I’m the person responsible for it. Yes if it succeeds then surely it’s a success of the overall team, as without my team it would not be possible.

Ensuring growth
Planning for future, always ready with minimum 2 back up plans & trust my team and make sure we keep our promise that we make to any one and we make sure before leaving the office, we complete our day’s work perfectly.

My advice
Leadership is an inborn quality , still I would just suggest when ever you make a decision think all its possibilities , risk factor etc & if you are taking a decision for some one else , try to put yourself in his place and think once from his perspective. If scope is there then think on long term goals and achievements rather than immediate gains.

Doing things right
Very very difficult job , rather  than success stories I concentrate how some one failed .First I try to be perfect , then expect the same from others.  Ready to accept failure and build up myself prepare to convert it to much bigger success. Thinking positively & surely need to be full time aware of the possible all the risk factors.

Influenced by
My Father, seen him working as an administrative class 1 officer since I was born, seen HIM handling difficult situation with out compromising, with out telling any one his problems, seen him always doing his duties perfectly for the family and the profession, he never bothered what he gained from us, but he always made sure that we all get what we expected from him, who can be a better inspiration to me!
Handling gravience
Try to find out the root of the problem , as much possible try to help him/her , listen to his/her problem carefully, some time if needed give him/her time to sort out the issue, buildup mutual understanding and ultimately just say  YOU ARE NOT ALONE WE ARE THERE WITH YOU, WE WILL SOLVE THE ISSUE.

Important decision
Choosing the right career , shifting to management  from technical dept, choosing the right person as a life partner & professionally make my own limits out of the limitless authority given to me by My BOSS. Expanding the business in the right time and in time.

My view on India technological development
No doubt about the technical talent in the country, but we should find out the mistakes in past, where things went wrong! We should analyse our past projects which could not create a bench mark; we should improve our observation & analysing skills. Should pay more attention and importance on R&D section. Should stop looking at short term & immediate profit and set long-term goals. Should improve and concentrate on our management skills & the last and the most important one “stop compromising on quality”
My family
My parents are retired Govt officials.

My father retired as an Area Organiser (class 1 gazetted officer) from S.S.B (Sasastra Seema Bal) under the Govt. Of India
My mother has retired as a 2nd PUC Govt. school teacher under the State Govt.

I've an elder sister who is working at Agriculture dept. as a gazetted officer & my brother in law is a grade B scientist under remote sensing Dept.

My wife is a perfect home maker and sacrificed her profession ( MSc  Microbiology , Pg Diploma in Clinical research & diabetic ) for my family & we are having twin sons Aditya & Ariyan who are completing their 1st birthday on Jan 31st ’13.
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