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Advice Request
Pradipta Chatterjee
Pradipta Chatterjee

Pradipta Chatterjee

HR / OD Consultant

Icon Consultancy Services


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Pradipta Chatterjee's Advice

Believe in yourself

I would like them to believe something before doing it, which would form the basis of conviction. People management skills should be paid the most importance as that would help a leader multiply his abilities by maximizing the utilization of potential of as large team as he has.
Current job description
I am a management consultant and trainer and I help client organizations to manage
the people side of their businesses to achieve their business goals. I
am responsible for prospecting new clients, developing consulting offers and
finalizing client engagements. I am involved in consulting engagements and
delivering training too. I had founded this organization with other partners
and am responsible for leading our organization.
Leadership skills
I believe a leader must be able to listen very well, practice humility, walk the
talk, actively involve himself whenever required, able to involve team members,
respect all, lead by example, encourage others to take up challenges,
cover team members whenever the need arises, share and give credit
whenever due, demonstrate trust, empathetic, able to see the big picture,
with quick learning ability and be farsighted. Demonstrating integrity,
ethical practices, composure under stress, self-belief and conviction are also important parameters I would say.
Motivating team members
My idea is to demonstrate composure and calmness even in defeat and continue the
effort in a different way. To take it in our stride and actually look for
new business development opportunities whenever the chips are down. Discussion
on the status openly and positively within the team and asking for
others' thoughts about generating leads in particular segments / verticals
have helped us come up with alternative approaches while involving the
team and not allowing them to sit idle and think about the failure.
My advice to professionals
I would like them to believe something before doing it, which would form the basis
of conviction. People management skills should be paid the most importance
as that would help a leader multiply his abilities by maximizing the utilization of potential of as large team as he has.
Importance of branding
Brand is directly proportional to the appeal a product brand or employer brand
has in the market. Customers have higher faith in branded products and many
branded products capitalize by charging premium. The same is true for an
employer brand too. A good employer brand has higher power to attract talent
and also retain them. So good brand naturally has higher chances of remaining
competitive in the market. However, to establish a brand requires sustained
effort in implementing and maintaining quality (best in class) in all
processes in an organization. I feel it is unwise to expect a good product brand from a bad employer brand or vice versa.
Importance of STP
These are very important as it is a question of relevance and if a product is not relevant it cannot sell.
Handling Grievances
The best way to deal is to give it the importance it demands. I try to respond
as quickly as I can to show that I care. I try to understand the real
reason for the grievance and resolve immediately wherever feasible. At times
there are issues that involve other authorities and I seek reasonable time
from the employee and do the necessary investigation / discussions and close
quickly. I do a check in the end with the employee to ensure that he is
satisfied with the response / action taken.
Connecting right dots
I don't worry too much about making mistakes, because many a times what we do,
does not have a precedence (known to us). My approach is to keep all parties
aware about the possibilities i.e. what I believe will happen and what
other possibilities I could imagine (not always good). In the unlikely event
of some undesirable results / failures, I respond promptly with corrective
action / alternative measures and share this learning with all concerned
so that the next time we take a wiser decision.
Initiative taken by professionals to develop a country
We should all be true to our profession and meet all the applicable government
regulations and legal obligations. We should communicate to the right
authorities in the government about any inappropriate systems / regulations
and devote time in such other initiatives to improves systems.Approach
should be to set examples before the society to behave like true citizens
interested in the development of the country.
Climbing ladder of success in Marketing
Success means different things to different persons. If we talk about material
success, such as designation and salary, I find that salespersons get
them faster than the others. However, I don't think we can establish a direct
correlation in the manner sought by you as it may differ from industry
to industry and also on the quality of people across industries, locations
etc. If all others were constant, we could have possibly tried to establish such a relationship.
My thoughts on our education system
Aim should be to produce quality in education. The system should be flexible to
accommodate the unique skills of individuals and chart a path towards ever
evolving career opportunities. It should try to match individual interests
and abilities of pupils with the careers of their choice, which would
lead to a better quality of output at all levels. The education system should
also select such teachers who would be passionate about learning and teaching
and would be interested in the profession from within. Attracting the
right talent for the same would be required. Institutes should be closely
monitored for maintaining quality of teachers and their continual development.
My family background
I stay in a joint family with parents and my brother and his family. I was fortunate
to have grown up in a family where my parents were highly educated.
My father was a Professor in Mathematics in a University and mother
was a housewife. My mother had taught in a school for a few years when
we were in school but had given up as she might have felt it more important
to take care of our studies back home. My mother is a Master in Philosophy
and both my parents influenced my thinking and values. I have an elder
brother and younger sister and all of us went through school and college
effortlessly primarily due to the support of our parents. Now I have a
full time life partner in my wife who is a partner in the business too. She
is an Engineer with PG in Finance and has provided great support to help me
achieve all that I have achieved in my profession. She is a tough critique
and her analyses helps me straighten up the strategy to stay on course.
I would say there has been and still is a huge team working behind the
screens in the form of my family.
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