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Advice Request
Piyush Dua
Piyush Dua

Piyush Dua

Professor at Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Rohini, Delhi

Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Rohini, Delhi

My family background
My father is a retired bank employee and mother has been a house wife. My wife is M.Sc. Mathematics (but house wife) and daughter is studying in Kinder Garden.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
To become a leader a person must have sound knowledge of his/her core field as well as an in-depth knowledge of overlapping areas. A leader must be humble to colleagues/team members and strict to the work. The leader should maintain healthy relations with his/her team members in-side and out-side the office. A leader must have the tendency of upliftment of the organization as well as the team members. A leader must be regarded by the team members.
Important decision
The only decision, I have taken is that I’ll play every game with full spirit and positive manner, which will come into my way. I’ll try to win each and every game within the rules of the game.
The strategy plays an important role in deciding to win and defeat.
In essence, I would like to say that play with full strength and try to win within the rules, even if you lose, consider it as essential lesson to become a successful leader.
My role model
In my life, I got a chance to work with various eminent personalities. All of them were best in their fields. Everyone has taught me in some way or other. But, I consider my role model Dr. Ashok Kumar Chauhan, President, Ritanand Balved Education Foundation, Delhi, who have been able to achieve mission and vision of the organization in a very effective manner because of that he is role model of various entrepreneurs. I have seen his great qualities very closely and would like to adopt his way of working. Secondly, I am fond of Dr. Raman Garg, Chief Mentor, Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, Rohini, Delhi who has a vision to take India to such a level where India can become self sustainable in terms of natural resources, technology and Industrialization.
Ensuring success
I’ll ensure that I’ll never leave learning and never leave fighting spirit to win the game even in unfavorable conditions, and if lose, I’ll take it as lesson for the next game. Which I feel, are necessary to grow and develop.
Brief description about me
Dr. Piyush Dua did B.Sc. (1996) and M.Sc. (Physics) (1998) from CCS Univ. Meerut, UP, India and Ph.D. degree (2004-05) from IIT, Roorkee, India in the field of Computational Materials Science.
He has served various institutions. He has worked on a project as Principal Investigator on properties of nanowires sponsored by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.
Dr. Dua has worked for 2 years (2008 –2010) as Post-Doctoral Scientist as Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea.
He was selected “Category A” speaker by DST in “Theoretical Physics Seminar Circuit” in 2005. He has delivered various invited talks and seminars at National and International conferences and published 12 papers in refereed journals of high International repute.
Recently, he has completed Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration from SCDL, Pune.
He is working as Professor in Computer Applications Deptt. at RDIAS, Rohini, Delhi.
Couple of years from now
At present, I am acquiring the required skills and I feel, in next couple of years, I’ll certainly get a chance to implement my acquired skills for the betterment of the society.
My achievements
Till now, I proud myself because wherever, I was a given a chance to perform, I performed full heartily, with full dedication and positive energy. In all the phases of my life, there are small achievements but still bigger achievements are still to come. If I’ll get a chance after 10 years or so to represent myself in same way, probably, I’ll be able share.
Initiative to develop a country
To take India from developing stage to developed stage, everyone must understand his/her responsibility. The strengths and weakness of Indian Systems should be known to everyone. In my opinion, first and foremost requirement of present scenario is that we need Professional teachers, then only we can produce real Professionals who can work for India as a nation and take India to developed stage.
The role of Professionals is very crucial in the development of any country. The real Professional knows understands the pros and cons of the situation, the availability of resources, the limitations and how to proceed in given conditions. Professionals can spread the information about the good and bad in the society and take the society as a whole towards the direction of development.
Important lesson learned
I would like to say that a teacher is the creature of a man, society and nation. If teacher-student relationship should be strong otherwise students are very much similar to leaves which are fallen on ground and the wind can take that leaf to anywhere without a plan, so everything is lost. So, the message is that teachers should behave in such a way that student should regard him/her and believe the teacher like parent/mentor.
Second is about the faith in GOD. It doesn’t mean that one must regularly go to temple or do prayer.
In my opinion life is a game. Most of the situations of life are similar to a situation of a game. One does all the efforts to get succeeded.
In my life, I have given my hand to GOD with believe that you show the way where should and which game should I play and I’ll put my all efforts to win the game. Even if I lose, I’ll take that it as a lesson and would be ready for next game.
If you are ready to play next game, then certainly GOD will give another chance.
More about myself
I would like to share one more aspect which I feel, is not getting enough consideration in Indian system, is that the importance of RESEARCH. There are multilevel benefits of making research driven educational system. At initial stage, it makes the mind dynamic and later stage it inspires to find the answer of every problem in a well approached and scientific manner, which is one of the best of learning. This learning would generate new ideas to solve the problems in local or national context.
So the message is that we should stop spoon feeding to students and we should encourage them to do something of their own. It’ll save a lot of money of the Country which is being spent to purchase various technologies from other countries.
Influenced by
I always influenced with the players who always ready to give their 100%, even in unfavorable conditions. Secondly, my daughter influenced me a lot, she is really a fighter, she has been faced a lot of troubles in a small age of 4 years but always smiles and participate everywhere with full enthusiasm.
Degree that I recommend
Recently, I have completed all the requirements to finish my Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration from Symbiosis School of Distance Learning, Pune. Now, I feel I need to do go for Ph.D. in Educational Administration with a specialization in Higher Education.
My strongest skill
I have studied various Educational systems very closely. In present scenario the decline of the level/quality of students as well as the ignorance of teaching fraternity is the biggest enemy which we have generated within Indian system. I have made a plan which is not implemented yet because GOD has not decided yet. I am ready with my skills and acquiring more and more to make an educational system much better compared to the present scenario.
I have sound understanding of the reasons of failure of the present system, it is my biggest Professional skill. Second, I have recipes to make the system better but still unimplemented.
I have good leadership qualities but at present, I am not using it with full strength, because I am on the way to acquiring more skills which, I feel, are most important to become a successful leader.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
In case of public (Govt.) sector schools i.e. at the Primary and Secondary level the 25-30% schools are doing their job properly and rest of the schools are just made to appoint the teachers and to show in the books of Govt. Actually, most of the schools are not doing, what is expected by the society. Private schools which take very high fee compared to public sector schools, they are doing their job properly, but (in my opinion) should be much better.
On the other hand, in higher studies the public sector institutes are doing better and private institutions are made to earn money and to give better enjoying facilities with shelter and spoon feeding at such level that menu is also decided as per the choice of customers (students). The result is that the private sector is producing employees who are not ready to take the challenges of the market.
The message is that customer should become student as soon as he/she enters the campus. Then only teacher can be regarded as teacher.
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