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Advice Request
Pankaja Anil Date
Pankaja Anil Date

Pankaja Anil Date


I.I.T Bombay


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Prized Accomplishment(s):
There are many. I am now into doing animations in the e-learning field in my job and enjoying it. I am proud of what I have learned by myself as a photographer, and have my own blog at And I am very proud of my accomplishments in swimming (I am now an instructor)
Job Profile:
I work as a member of the technical staff, in a large Project dedicated to creating learning objects for educating high school, college and engineering students in the various concepts that they study. I am also involved in creating tutorials so that people can easily learn the software that we use
The Decisions That Matter
I have treated graduation, per se, as a requirement that taught me problem solving, regardless of which subject it was. An aptitude for technical trouble shooting and learning new softwares, combined with an artistic bent, pointed me to this field, where I am now in the "education" field
Done Differently:
Knowing what I know now, I would probably get started with my software training, while I was in college. And not wait till graduation.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
With the amazing advances in hardwares, softwares, platforms, storage and memory capacities, and CPU speeds, it is very exciting to learn new techniques. Flexiwork has also become a reality. Besides depth, there is a wide breadth in learning. Ease of Information availability is the key factor.
Working Life Management:
This is greatly helped by the fact that my workplace and place of residence are very close to each other. The time saved in commuting, is gainfully spent in pursuing hobbies and sports, as well as teaching swimming to young kids.
Career Profile:
Current responsibilities include, 3-D modelling, texturing, animation, documentation , and preparation of tutorials for software training. I am also scheduled to participate as a resource person/trainer in external training programs that we conduct.
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