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Nirupam Dutta Purkayastha
Nirupam Dutta Purkayastha

Nirupam Dutta Purkayastha

Software Developer

Principal Axis Systems Pvt. Ltd.


Nirupam Dutta Purkayastha is a member of:

Family Background
Family starts with mom and dad. My father is a retired school teacher and my mother is a housewife. I belong to a middle class family. But I am really lucky to have parents like them. I have one elder sister. She is working for an NGO.
First Job Expectation
I am a software professional. It has been more than 2 years I am working in that profession. The top 3 things I usually prefer are,
1. Industry having down to earth working attitude.
2. More concern about business logic rather than technology.
3. Transparent organization culture.
View s for better India
A nation needs people young in age but not in thought process. Students should have maturity interms thought process to build a new era. Thought process implies to good leadership, good entrepreneurship. Participation in different kinds of innovative projects in academics will definitely grows the thought process, hence the development process of a nation.
Most proud accomplishment
built a business logic on employee performance monitoring system with equity calculation.
Most influenced factor
My father said, 'If you are good & honest at your work, you can be good & honest with your family and society too. Because we can never be two different people at work & at home. Add value to your work, to your society. Your family will get value automatically'.
About Myself
I am a guy with no ambition and no goal. I believe that good work in daily basis makes one consistent. Excellence will build automatically.
Favorite Books and Articles
'PURUSHATTO' a section of Bhagavad Gita which defines self management very nicely. It really helps me to put my thought process in a flow.
Career Expectations
As I am a software professional, I should concentrate more on developing business logic or thought process of mine. To achieve that I need to explore fields of philosophy and Theology.
Spare time activities
Playing outdoor games like football, badminton. Reading blogs on rituals. Visiting short distant unexplored areas.
Challenges facing by students
A student read updated information about the topic. But the academic book does not have the updated information about that. So the student is confused because, its a challenge for him to write updated info but its' his innerself who does not allow his mind to do so.
My uniqueness
My way of defining things is different which may not make any sense at all.
Additional information
Its really a good way to track how the thought process of students are changing each year. Also its' a good way to find out whether we are really loosing our moral values day by day. Its really a good survey approach.
Time Management
I always check for the driver task among all the tasks and then completing the driver task first. Driver task means which is master for completion of other tasks. It may be sleep, it may be urgent work or it may be checking air fair before discussing leave with institution or management.
Favorite subject
My strongest subject is Maths. My mind is logical and analytical by birth, hence I love maths.
Most flourishing college experience
When I was in 6th semester, we all students call for strike on administrative issues. I never had such experience before. The VC suddenly picked 2 of the students randomly to discuss the matter. I was among the two. I hold my breath and discussed the issue. The issue was solved later. It was a rewarding experience. I overcame fears. It grows leadership quality in me.
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