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Advice Request
Navrone Daivgun
Navrone Daivgun

Navrone Daivgun

Sr. Consultant Editor

My Company

My family background
I have a small & loving family consisting of me, my father & my wife, who has been my life partner for all these years. We are expecting our first kid who would be another feather to our cap.
My achievements
I do not like to boast/talk highly about myself, but I am privileged to have had the chance to be associated with leading academicians/researchers and organisations with all the hard work of contacting them, getting the work & delivering to the best of my ability- ALL Single-handedly without using any marketing tool/gimmick
Brief description about me
I am a Content & Documentation expert carrying with me an industry experience of over a decade. My experience & expertise lies in the following: Technical/Content/Copy Editing, Proof Reading, Translations, & Technical Content Creation.

I have been privileged to be associated with reputed IT firms as a full time employee and also have had the privilege of being associated on a part time basis with several Researchers, Scholars & Post-doc scholars from various academia and institutes of repute mainly as a Consultant Editor & a Translator.
My strongest skill
I have a bi-lingual fluency, which I'd believe is a great asset along with the fact that I am excellent at client relation/communication especially with level C executives and people in the higher strata of education/academia. This apart I stand by my commitment to deliver On-time & every time with the BEST of Quality of whatever assignment I take up.
Degree that I recommend
I'd love to do something for enhancing my technical knowledge and also have a desire to do a CRM certification from a reputed institute/university.
Influenced by
My wife has always stood by me through thick & thin & I am ever so grateful to my dad who has spent virtually his entire life in bringing me to the level where I am today.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Humility, sincerity & dedication along with hard & meticulous work.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Instead of studying for obtaining marks/grades, one should inculcate the love for studies. Studying should not be a burden but rather a part of the journey that is called LIFE.
More about myself
I would like to use this platform to reach out to a wider audience at a national & international level and tell each & everyone that Believe in GOD, believe in yourself & your ability regardless of your educational qualifications, or whatever barriers/challenges that you might have faced or may face in life. You might not be the Winner before ten others, but at the end of the day, when you look yourself at the mirror, you should be able to proudly look at yourself in the eye & at the same time in all humility bow down & thank the Almighty.
Important lesson learned
Be humble, be soft & polite, at times be on the backfoot; but if you are pushed (and pushed you'd be at some point in time or the other) turn back & bite/strike viciously so that your assailant never dares to try and push you over again.
Ensuring success
Trying to learn as I work at my job and at my consulting assignments.
Couple of years from now
As a successful professional & most importantly as a better & improved Human being.
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