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Advice Request
Narasimharao Pulibandla
Narasimharao Pulibandla

Narasimharao Pulibandla

Asst Sales Manager

Y2cf Digital Media Pvt Ltd


Narasimharao Pulibandla is a member of:

The best option for new entry in marketing sector is need to understand the possibility options or source,that how he/she can balance her/himself to sell their own identity..N number of magazines available good once are Like Silicon,4p's marketing and business magazines n Hindu & economy papers etc
Suggestions to aspirants
Marketing is the best options among other specializations..1st we need to have enough knowledge about latest news & products, practical experience will give more self confidence to the new entry..Marketing has best scope in future we need to update everyday,so that we can stand in future
Marketing is a long term process which involves brand building, advertisements etc. whereas sales is a short term process of identifying the target consumer.

Marketing is the process of creating demand for a product in the market whereas sales is refers to fulfilling these demands.
Importance of STP
It is the responsibility of the marketers to create awareness of their products amongst the consumers. It is essential for the individuals to be aware of the brand’s existence. The USPs of the brands must be communicated well to the end-users.
The marketers thus came with the concept of STP
Marketing is the lifeblood and the backbone of any organization. Without this, a firm is good as nothing. For marketing conceives the product, prices it, distributes it among all the logistically feasible areas and promotes it the best way it should (basic four P's)Everyone knows 4p's
Importance of Marketing
In Marketing every role is very important.1st thing in marketing everyone need to fulfill the task that they are assigned,Its difficult to prove & easy to express.The reality comes to true when you fulfill your satisfaction,not only the whole company will smile..That's every sales man need.thank you
Importance of sales
This is especially important if you contribute to shaping your organization's strategy.where it helps you identify and take advantage of the sales opportunities that you have with a wealth of insider knowledge,Its very important task where any organization growth will depend on this only
Achieving Targets
Managing sales teams requires you to select the right people, clarify expectations, provide resources, monitor performance, develop skills, reward and motivate people and provide support.Sales managers are the bridge between the company's sales goals and the realization of those goals..
Growth Prospect in marketing
Here are some tips on kick-starting your career and climbing to the next level of management success:
1.Get advice from the top
2.Step up and get involved
3.Build your credibility
4.Remember those below you
5.Speak up
6.Variety is vital
Importance of 4ps
Your marketing mix is a combination of marketing tools that are used to satisfy customers and company objectives.Your offer is controlled by the following variables often referred to as the four Ps in marketing:-
Place (Distribution)
Consumers often call the marketing mix..
No matter the size of your company, having a team of motivated, hard-working employees is crucial to your business success. When people lose their motivation,
Build a Foundation
Create a Positive Environment
Put People on the Right Path
Educate the Masses
Don't Forget the Fun
Acknowledge Contributio
It takes a lot of time, money and very hard work to build and maintain great brands like that, brands that can speak volumes in just a few syllables.In one sense, perhaps the most important sense, a brand is a promise. Think of some top brans,a brand is a specific combination of logo, words,type etc
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